
For the Chicken Littles

Somehow I get the privilege of running in circles where there’s always a few touting the fear and might of an ever growing China.

It’s true.

They’re growing.

Most everyone does.

In light of China’s highly publicized aircraft jet landing, here’s something to consider and set your perspective straight.

The US just retired a 51 year old aircraft carrier far more capable than China’s current spec.

Next year the US plans to fly drones from the decks of aircraft carriers.

By no means am I bashing China. As I said, countries will thrive, expand and develop their military. It’s the nature of the game.

What I can’t stand are the little fear monger misinformed bitches running in circles telling me “the sky is falling, the sky is falling”.

– b

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There are 1 Comments to "For the Chicken Littles"

  • angieNo Gravatar says:

    China is more than a thousand years old and the US has only been around for 234 years. Ever since 9/11 we have become a nation of cowards who are perfectly willing to give up their rights for a false sense of security. As the saying goes a coward dies a thousand deaths.

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