
Little Progress

Managed to spend some time on the shelves last night.

First started with rewiring the receptacle, then realized I had the wrong parts.

Moved onto more shelving. In the middle of things Jen and I changed direction, made some new measurements and mis-counted the number of shelves. So far we’re back on track and moving along.

Originally the horizontal shelf parts were going to be 2 x 3 x 10, but when the Home Depot I went to didn’t have 10′ 2 x 3’s, I got 10′ 2 x 4’s. Unfortunately 2 x 4 horizontal pieces scewed our row count slightly, because of the slightly taller 2 x 4. Using (their online inventory counts per store is awesome!) we were able to find a local store (there’s like 10 of them within 30 min. of us) that carried 10′  2 x 3’s, so I picked some up and did a little refactoring.

The bottom two shelves will remain 2 x 4’s, while the top two shelves will be 2 x 3’s. I could have done the entire thing with 2 x 3’s, but honestly didn’t feel like RE-DOING the entire thing.

This will give us 5 rows of shelves if you include the floor.

That’s a lot.

I keep telling Jen if we have that much stuff to fill all those shelves, we have too much stuff.

We’ll see.

My mother has also made her mark on this project. She convinced me to get better screws. $40 later I have better screws and the bits to put them in.

They are better and significantly less frustrating to install. The old ones were galvanized 3″ #8’s I had lying around. Probably bought for some previous project, but were too frustrating to use. The new ones are 3″ #9’s. A little bigger, but work nicely. Thanks Mom!

In the picture above you see some of the bin combinations it will support. I was adding the middle vertical support and wanted to make sure everything was fitting/measured correctly both horizontally and vertically.

It was.

It’s really becoming quite  behemoth.

If for some reason the concrete block wall behind it gives out, I’m sure the house will be fine resting on the shelf.

At least until we get out.

– b

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