
Things to Remember

Abigail is obsessed with taking a shower. She’ll get in with Jen, then stay through till the end of my shower.

She’s also obsessed with Disney’s Beauty and the Beast – not the original story but the bedtime quickies we have. Every night it’s the same two Beauty and the Beast stories read over and over again. She doesn’t care about Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Jasmin or any of the other “princesses”. It’s all Beauty and the Beast.

Little by little Lauren’s coming around to books. I think we have 1 or 2 soft books she’ll actually sit for 30 seconds or so to read with us, then it’s off on one her adventures.

Yeah. Lauren likes adventures. She wants to do her own thing and isn’t afraid to crawl off for it. When downstairs she’s particularly fond of crawling over to the kiddy table, climbing up on a chair and sit there while she “rearranges” the items on the table. Doesn’t care what Abigail’s doing or anyone else. It’s totally her thing and she’s completely content.

She’s also taken a step and a half.

And Lauren clearly eats more than Abigail.

– b

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