
One Sleeps The Other Doesn’t

After two nights of having Lauren sleep better than ever, Abigail got sick.

From 3 am on she was up every 20 minutes or so with congestion.

As anyone with kids knows, there’s not much you can do.

She sounded horrible, and I felt horrible for her.

The cycle of waking and sleeping lasted somewhere between an hour or two before she was able to sleep the rest of the night.

The following night we loaded her up with Tylenol and gave her a bigger pillow to prop up her head. She slept a solid 11 hours that night. That’s nearly unheard of for her.

Then Lauren got sick.

Luckily Abigail was on the mend, so now it was back to getting up with Lauren.

That’s better now too, but really?!?!

Did we really need all that in a weeks time?

– b

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