
Lauren Eats

A lot.

That was a single meal.

She’s not the kind that screams if you’re not getting the food in there fast enough, but she eats a significant amount more than Abigail ever did – quite possible more than Abigail does now.

At her 9 month appt. the other day she came out at 50% weight and 80% height. Which means for all she’s eating, she’s kind of on the skinny side.

She’s blowing through her 12 month outfits already, so we’re stocking up and moving toward 18 month outfits.

One night this past week we actually forgot to feed her dinner.That was a bad night. Up every hour and a half to get some food.

Yeah. Three adults living here and no one remembered to feed her. That was dumb.

Oh well. She’ll live.

– b

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