
Little by Little

I’m getting our storage rearranged and under control.

This past weekend I cleared out all the junk that was left on one side of our “attached” garage and moved it to the “detached” garage.

Amazingly I ended up with more space in both garages. Now the attached garage has both a bike and stroller area free and clear of the cars.

What was known as the “gear room” is slowly  breaking down to an empty space ready for paint and other minor remodeling tasks before it becomes the new spare bedroom.

There aren’t really any schedules for any of this. As I/we get to it, we get to it.

Each week night after the kids go to bed, I manage about an hour or hour and a half of work. However many nights and/or weekends it takes to get things done is what we’ll have.

Though slow, it’s nice to see the progress being made.

– b

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