
We Fell

Bad couple of weeks for us and gravity around here.

While on vacation Lauren fell down 3 carpeted steps on her way to find Mommy. She’d been upstairs with me. Jen was downstairs, then Abigail went down, left the door open to the stairs and I went to the bathroom. Left to her own devices, Lauren made her way to the steps and down she went.

Busted her ankle enough to not crawl for the rest of the day.

Kind of scary.

She was better the next day and even better after that.

Some other day Abigail and I went to the playground. I decided I’d take a break from being a helicopter parent and let her play on the 8′ slide herself.

Yeah. That was dumb.

She started climbing up the stainless steel slide itself.

She did it once just fine.

She did it again and decided to try it no handed 2/3 of the way up.

Bad idea.

I don’t know how she did it, but she fell, spun and belly flopped from about 4′ off the ground.

She started crying immediately, so I knew she hadn’t knocked the wind out of her.

I ran over and picked her up. She appeared OK. No blood. No bones sticking out. No holding of hurt parts.

I asked what hurt and she said her face. I checked things out fearing she broke her nose, but all looked ok.

After a little cry, we decided to head back to the house. She wasn’t interested in riding the bike and wanted to walk instead. Shortly after we started walking a couple rode by together on a motorcycle. All of a sudden she felt better and wanted to ride the bike.

Everything seemed fine. Later and over night she got these little red marks all over her belly and thighs. It was like a rash, tiny scratches or busted blood vessels, but none of it bothered her.

All gone now.

Over the weekend while finishing the deck, I stepped where I’d removed the planking. I slowly fell four feet down as my elbow dragged against the side of the house. The end result was a burn on my elbow that kept me awake most of the night. A week later and I still have the abrasion/wound. It doesn’t hurt like it did, but I have to be careful how and what it touches.

I think in the end I got it worst of all (besides the fact all three were probably my fault).

I need some sleep.

– b

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