
Still Sick

Going on two and a half weeks.

Went to the Dr. and started antibiotics on Tuesday.

Thought I started feeling better, but I think it was some kind of placebo effect. I still feel like crap.

I think it’s just a regular cold, but I’m so run down from so much lack of sleep I can’t get better.

Abigail’s gotten up every night now for two weeks I think. It was just once a night. Now it’s multiple times.

Two nights ago she got up 3 different times. Each 30 minutes apart from each other, then I got up with Lauren. That’s 4 times in one night for those not keeping track.

Oddly enough, no one else has caught my cold???

– b

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There are 1 Comments to "Still Sick"

  • Grandma ENo Gravatar says:

    Think I will cancel my reservation until everyone is well and sleeping thru the night!!!

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