
More and More Problems

Had the regular maintenance and much needed repair done on the pellet stove.

I used the guys from a few towns over (who charge extra to drive the extra distance, though deliver 2 tons of pellets for free) again. They spent a lot of time telling me what was done wrong with the maintenance of the previous three guys (2 of which are associated with the original installer). Some things that could even catch fire over time.

Also replaced my excessively taped, worn-out exhaust pipe.  The one guy couldn’t understand why I used so much tape. He kept saying (and he’s right) it should stop smoking after it’s hot. Considering how many times it would start cold and I had a new baby in the house, I didn’t want it smoking at all.

They moved it slightly to use less angle pipes. Said it would save me money and exhaust more efficiently.  The old position was square with the corner. The new position is not. Looks awful, but whatever. It’s all going to get moved again some day.

At least now I’m ready for a clean and more efficient winter of heating. We’re going back to only using the pellet stove this winter. At least we’ll try. Usually it’s me that relents and turns on the furnace for the sake of the girls.

– b

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