
Sleep Training

By this point in Abigail’s infancy we had executed the Cry It Out Method and regained some personal time for ourselves in the evening. It didn’t necessarily help Abigail sleep through the night, but it did give us an extra hour or two of rest.

So far with Lauren, not so much.

Lauren’s different. As she should be.

The current pattern or routine has us getting Lauren to bed sometime between 10 and 11 pm, which means on some nights I don’t get to bed until 11:30 pm.

From there she generally wakes up twice. The first is somewhere between 12:30 am and 2. While the second is somewhere between 3 am and 5. Sometimes she goes back to sleep at the second waking. Sometimes she doesn’t.

Overall it’s not much different than Abigail after her “sleep training” In fact, I’d be willing to bet on average Lauren gets up less during the night than Abigail did at this time.

The only difference is Lauren goes to bed later and not on her own, and that difference is quickly wearing us down.

We’ve tried getting her to bed earlier (with assistance, not CIO), but she’s not having it.

In my arms she will scream and cry till her head, face, and eyes are entirely red then keep crying. Only Mom can calm her down at that point, then I try again an hour later and get to bed myself late again.

So we’re on the cusp of sleep training.

Yeah I know. I can hear it now “who’s training who?”, but stories of turning up the TV louder each night for nearly a week to drown out the cries of the second child don’t sound like the way to go.

Then again, maybe it is.

We’ll see.

– b

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