
Pins & Needles

Lauren’s sleeping (or lack there of) hasn’t improved. I got up with her three nights in a row to console her or put her back to sleep without a bottle. That’s good, but the fact she’s still getting up so much is bad – for us.

I started using a binky on her. I’m at the point I’ll do anything for her to peacefully sleep the night – or even half of it for that matter.

Jen’s broken down too. Last night she said to bring her into the bed with us (it was some point after midnight. she didn’t start there). I slept better. Jen only marginally and it made little difference for Lauren.

Not sure what we’ll do tonight.

On top of all that we got a call from the urologist office they went to last weekend. Apparently the Dr. Lauren saw has Pertussis (i.e. whooping cough). The incubation period is 7 – 10 days, so we should know in the next couple of days if either of them got it. If Lauren gets it, hospitalization is almost guaranteed and that’s just the beginning.

If you’re not familiar with the implications, look them up.

I’ll take non-sleeping for another 4 months if it meant no chance of whooping cough.

– b

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