
The Big Leagues

Took Abigail climbing this weekend.

photo courtesy of Fatmarc

At home she’s practically running up her wall. After hearing some friends were going to be at the gym I figured we’d try it.

The gym’s a little different for her. First off it’s huge and it’s full of people. Kind of overwhelming.

I’d climb some, then help her climb some.

Rachael helped her too. (Don’t worry mom. Rachael works with super strong Thoroughbreds. Abigail’s in good hands.)

The starts were tricky. There’s not a lot of holds on the bottom 2′ of the wall. Once past that, she’d move right along, but then get too high.

At one point she looked over at the top-roping area and said she wanted to “use the strings.” Which is fine, but we need a harness first.

She wasn’t a fan of the chalk.

Said it was dusty.

So why do this? Why not ballet or something?

Ballet is fine. Any kind of dance or anything else for that matter is fine. I have no qualms with any of it. What I don’t want is discrimination (at least from me) for my daughters.

I don’t wish that I had sons. Boys or girls, either can do whatever they set their minds to. It’s my job to provide the opportunities that challenge them – safely.

I have no aspirations of professional climbers (honestly prefer they don’t take that route, but ultimately it’s not up to me) or anything else for that matter. I want them happy and capable to accept or reject challenges based on their experience and knowledge of their own capabilities, not because of someone else’s preconceived notions.

I start with climbing, canoeing, etc. because they’re what I know and I want to spend time with them doing the things I enjoy. Sounds trivial, but I’m amazed (saddened really) by the number of fathers that don’t do the things they know and like with their kids. (so many excuses, I’m busy, they’re too young, it’s their mothers job, etc.)

This won’t last forever. With school and friends, other influences will make there way into their lives. Hopefully what they’ve learned with me will somehow play into those influences helping them make the right choices for themselves.

And in the end that’s all it is. It’s just try and hope.

– b

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