
Some More

Here’s some more.

The “birthing team” was Julie the Midwife (in front) and Sabrina the nurse (at back). They were awesome. Very professional, caring, and experienced. It was a pretty tough birth at the end (more about that in the coming days), but their composure and combined kick-ass execution brought everything out on top.

Here’s the new one fresh out of the womb and on Mommy’s chest.

Weighing in at…

I’ll go ahead and beat my sister to the punch on this one (inside joke), but she looks like a Chuck in this shot. Just needs some cigarettes rolled up in her shirt sleeve.

I suppose we could go with Charlene?

Proof of birth.

Some Pappa time. Not bad for 6am and only 2 hours of sleep.

Some sleeping time.

Big Sister’s first peek.

Anyone with multiples knows this, but having another wouldn’t be so hard if we weren’t running around all day trying to manage the first, then staying up all night with the second.

Overall she’s being a great big sister.

– b

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