
Holiday Weekend So Far

So far no new baby.

Today, after making pancakes,

we headed over to the park farm briefly.

Wasn’t a whole lot there over last time, so we headed to the egg farm

That was way more fun than the park farm. Duane (the owner) was there and opened up the “chicken hotel” for Peanut to check things out. She was way more timid than I expected. Meanwhile Duane and I talked solar installations. His was done by someone other than the people I used. His was done rather nicely. I like Duane. He’s cool – a little goofy, but cool.

Other than the side trip, it was mostly work for me. Jen got all her stuff done for the baby, now it’s my turn.

I replaced the temporary light switch in the nursery.

Installed the new window shade, installed the missing latch on the new crib, and finally got all the drywall up downstairs.

What a pain in the ass that was. I don’t care to hang drywall again in my life. It’s not difficult, but it’s not exciting or rewarding in any way. It seems the whole process is about getting things as close as you can to cover it all up with tape, joint compound, and paint. Since I’m not doing any of those, mine just looks like crap.

Whatever. Now it’s done. Time to figure out what goes back in and where. We have some carpet, but not enough to completely cover everything. We also have a bunch of toys that we didn’t have before. The decisions between toys and furniture will be tough.

Time to get back to playing with Abigail.

Fun, fun.

– b

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