
Sunday Chores

Finally got the pool completely closed yesterday. Got the cover on it back in September. Removed the pump sometime in October. Finally got the lines blown out, plugged and the filter put away. Bring on the freeze (or the baby), we’re ready.

In the midst of all that Abigail and I managed a quick ride around the park.

After which we filled and stoked the pellet stove.

She also helped me with some work in the basement. It was really cute. I would tell her I’d have to saw a board, run the saw in the air (to hear it), then she’d run over and sit on her car. When I’d ask her if she was ready, she’d nod her head yes, and I would cut. It went flawlessly if not longer than usual since we’d have to do a run down the hall in her car between cuts.

The day then ended with a beautiful sunset.

Not photoshopped.

Though maybe enhanced by the camera a little.
– b

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