
That’s It?

Spent two hours getting the studs scabbed back into place.

And that’s about all I got done today. Not sure what happened.

Maybe it was the hour I lost trying to jump start the Prius. FYI. That’s a royal pain in the ass.

Maybe it was the hour and a half I spent returning and exchanging the 9 sheets of 5/8″ drywall I bought Friday night for 1/2″ drywall I actually needed?

Maybe it was playing with Peanut.


The day is gone and nothing more was finished today than yesterday.

At least now I know putting the plastic vapor barrier up before scabbing the studs was a bad idea. Too much movement, rubbing and tearing from the nail gun.


That’s what duct tape is for.

It’s temporary anyway. Right?

– b

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