
Last Weekend

I had this whole post planned out last weekend and meant to get it up during the week, but it wasn’t one of those kinds of weeks.

Now I’m trying to remember what it was and what got done, though most of it escapes me.

It seemed like a lot, but maybe it was just a lot of limbs

Now I have a pile the size of a short-bus. Currently debating how to get rid of it all. I want to rent a chipper and do it myself. Jen wants to pay someone (nearly the same $$ as me doing it myself) to do it. Whatever. We’ll figure it out.

When I’d get tired of the limbs, I’d go over to my neighbors and play around with Distribution Box location project.

We never found it. Our conclusion is his drain-field doesn’t have one. I actually think the hunks of concrete you see in that hole were buried there to make inspectors think there is a d-box, when in fact there is not. Who knows. He’s still looking. Maybe it’s under his tree.

I also managed some work in the basement. The help I had made all the difference.

Hopefully I get all the insulation and drywall up today. At least that’s the plan.

– b

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