
“Wind in the Wires”

What was left of Irene made her mark on mid-coast Maine last night.

Overall I guess it wasn’t bad, but for a land lover like myself, a little disconcerting at times.

The high tide was supposed to hit ten and a half feet last night around 11:15. From the time the sun went down, the waves and wind came crashing ashore.

We went to bed around 10pm at which point I fell asleep quite easily. Abigail woke up around 11pm crying for Momma, so I went in (funny how that is). After I got her back to sleep, I then had to get myself back to sleep.

The wind was howling – almost screaming. It was one of the strangest sounds I’d heard in a while. The waves were crashing under the deck and against the foundation. I kept waiting for things to crack and collapse, then Jen & I washed out to sea. The master bedroom is nearly three stories off the water. Surrounded mostly in windows, it’s like sleeping in a crow’s nest, but without the wet and waves.

Past the 11:15 mark I kept thinking it would subside. The waves would start to pull back. The wind would die down, but the water raged and I stayed awake at least until midnight.

Around 1 Jen woke up from the noise. It still sounded like a war outside if not worse. She turned on the fan, which drowned out the noise nicely (or at least masked it with a steady hum), and we finally fell asleep.

This morning all was calm. Low tide was out and everything in place. There were a few extra items of debris on the beach and the township was cleaning the public boat ramp at the end of the bay, but all was good.

– b

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