
The Conundrums

Ticks are bad.

Dogs need tick medicine to keep the ticks away. The medicine we have is really strong stuff. It’s so strong there’s a warning label that it can kill cats. Hmmm. What’s that do to Abigail?  Not like I’m going to put any on her, but what kind of exposure is she getting?

So you put it on at night after she goes to bed and hope its absorbed enough to not be an issue the next day or any of the other 30 days before the next application.

You hope.

Or you neglect to put the medicine on and the dog gets ticks then other tick-born diseases.

What to do?

Been in my office almost a week now. Not sure I’m a fan. It’s like a black hole of concentration. I go in there, work my ass off, realize it’s already lunch, then time to go home and still don’t have enough done. At least in the cube world there were distractions. I could blame my in-efficiency or ineptitude on other things. My only excuse now is me. That sucks.

I’m way behind on posts.

I’ve got hundreds of pictures of Abigail and Vera together at my mother’s but haven’t downloaded or formatted them. It was an exhausting trip, but seeing Abigail play and interact with someone else her own size was awesome. I can’t begin to tell you about the pride, fascination and fears I felt all at once watching her.

There’s also the Adirondack pictures. I’ve got tons and videos too.

After spending all day in the computer concentration void, it’s hard to get motivated again at night.

It’s hard to get motivated at all. I go to bed and wake up like there was nothing in between. It sounds like sleep, but not very restful.

It doesn’t help Abigail’s waking these days between 5 and 6 am. Finally she sleeps the night, but she’s bright-eyed and bushy-tailed come 5am. It blows my mind how dark it is outside and how awake she is inside. She’s a perfect candidate for Alaska. She sleeps while it’s daylight and lives while it’s night. Crazy.

Speaking of crazy, my mother mentioned the other day a person I knew in high school with colon cancer. Now every time I fart or burp, I think I have it.

I’m sleep deprived and strung-out.

I picked up CJ’s ashes today. They’re in a very nice oak box – with no lid. My plan was to take them hiking and spread them from a mountain-top. That’s where CJ liked to be most – besides the front seat of the truck – but I’m not hiking anywhere with that box.

I suppose I first figure out how to open it. It appears to have a bottom panel that is screwed in. Then what? Move the contents from the box to a bag, then to the air? He’ll be all over the place. A little in the box, some in the bag and then up state New York (or West Virginia, not sure which yet).  Not sure I’m comfortable with all that.

How do you “clean” such things anyway? Once he’s out of the box, what do I do with that? How do you ask such questions and who has the answers?

There’s so much work to do around here. I’ve got limbs all over the place, the grass will need mowed, shrubs trimmed and all kinds of house projects are queuing up. Good thing my helper is coming around.

Maybe I could just send her out at 5am and have it all done before I get up?

– b

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There are 2 Comments to "The Conundrums"

  • RachaelNo Gravatar says:

    pretty sure ticks have to be on the dog for at least 36 hrs before passing the lyme disease! so if you are vigillant then skip the frontline. I don’t use it on my guys. I just check them for ticks after a walk in the woods etc… Also the lyme vaccine sucks in my opinion. I had Strider vaccinated and he still got lymes. Its way easier to put them on doxy (which I have 100’s of pills should you need them) if you suspect lymes and if they get better on the doxy keep them on it for 30 days!

  • jenbobNo Gravatar says:

    Thanks for the offer. Unfortunately I’m not as diligent with checking for ticks. And we don’t have to go for a walk to pick them up. We have plenty right here in our yard.

    I agree with Lyme vaccination effectiveness. CJ had the vaccination, but still got it.

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