
F’n Dogs

CJ’s better. His ear is healthier than I think it’s been in months, but he’s refusing to eat. Not everything, just what we make for him. He won’t eat hamburger, chicken or canned food, but he will eat whatever we’re eating (even if it’s hamburger or chicken) or a handful of treats. Considering he’s dying, eating nothing but treats isn’t so bad, but it’s driving Gretchen crazy. She doesn’t understand why she can’t get a handful of treats in addition to her already over calorated diet.

Then there’s Gretchen’s issues. Somehow (think it was the ice and snow) she mangled her right dew claw. It’s all bloody and raw, so she’s self medicating by licking it to oblivion.

Out comes the cone.

Work’s fine to keep her from licking it, but going outside in the ice and snow keeps it pretty raw.

Next up was a bandage.


Until she goes running around like a lunatic because she hasn’t been out of the house all week.

Now the bandage is a muddy mangled bloody mess.

New bandage and more quarantine.

Can’t get anywhere with these two.

– b

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