
Tastes Like Blue Cheese

We have a butter bell.

The other day in my “up with Abigail all night” stupor I buttered some toast to eat.

I remember commenting how it tasted like and looked like there was blue cheese in the butter – like jelly sometimes gets in the there. I figured someone had made some kind of buttered blue cheese concoction and got some the of the blue cheese in the butter.

Jen discovered today what I thought was blue cheese, was actually mold. If you click on the picture you can see it all around the left side. The little brown spot on the right is just toast. All the black spots around the left are mold. It certainly wasn’t that bad the other day, but it was there. Someone or somehow the butter bell wasn’t sealing correctly and mold went to town.

Whatever. It tasted good to me. Probably cleared up any ailments I may of had too.

– b

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