
Sleep Regression

Over the past week or so Abigail’s sleep habits have regressed to that of her earlier months.

We put her to bed by 7:30 each night, but she sleeps two and a half hour intervals (at most, sometimes it’s only an hour and a half) from then till about 4am, when she finally does a three and a half or four hour stretch. Of course by that time, it’s too late for Jen to get any sleep.

So last night we tag teamed and had a little intervention of sorts. She was asleep by her normal 7:30 pm, but was up again shortly after 9. Knowing she fed well on both milk and yogurt before bed, I went in without any food. For nearly 30 minutes I held her in my arms while she cried and struggled to find Mommy. It seems where most kids lose their binkies and cry in their cribs until they find it or its found for them, Jen is Abigail’s binky and I wasn’t the replacement Abigail wanted. First the crying and squirming was constant, then slowly started to cycle. The cycles of tears and snotty nose rubs against my chest grew further and further apart until she finally fell asleep in my arms while I stood and held her slowly turning in circles around the room (we tried sitting, but she liked that the least). When she was good and asleep, I put her back to bed and left the room.

She slept roughly four hours from that point when Jen got up for the middle of the night shift. She fed her and put her back to sleep.

An hour and a half later she woke up again. This time it was around 4am and I went in with 3oz. of milk. She gobbled that up like she hadn’t eaten all night then laid there in my arms with a full belly dazed look on her face. Finally her eyes closed and again I put her back to bed. That was 4:30am. She slept another four hours from that point.

Still not ideal – especially for a nearly eight month old infant, but better than the previous nights. Most important Jen got theĀ  best sleep she’s had in a week or more.

I suspect we’ll be doing this for a few nights. I suspect it’s going to wear on the two of us.

Hopefully the final outcome is successful.

– b

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There are 1 Comments to "Sleep Regression"

  • Al FriedNo Gravatar says:

    Hang in there, Grandpa is on the way (Nov. 9th). I still think you should teach Abigail to read. I’ll bring the flashlight.

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