
Monarch Release

A week after the fact, but better late than never right?

Springton Manor Farm had a Monarch release from their butterfly house, so we took the girls over to see.

First we strolled through the house checking out all the butterflies.

The majority of course were Monarchs.

There were lots of caterpillars too.

Though I didn’t get what all species they were

This one butterfly wouldn’t leave my Dad’s hat.

Which Abigail liked watching.

Then it was time to head outside and release some butterflies.

The butterfly dude would catch a bunch with the net, then hold the butterfly while kids put “tags” their parents bought for $5 on the butterflies. The tags were little identification stickers that others could read to track the butterflies migration to Mexico if it were caught. Once the butterflies were all released (at least as many as they had tags for), we did a little goofing around.

And some more

And finally some more.

After a couple of hours in the sun, it was time to go home and take some naps.

If not for the babies girls, it certainly was for the adults.

– b

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