
Got it Together

After finally getting all the parts as clean as we could, we got the Craig’s list high chair together.

Not sure why Abigail was so excited. It only meant she had to eat more chicken and she’s only slightly more approving of that taste.

It didn’t take long to understand how filthy it got. Food gets everywhere on Abigail, then she gets everywhere on the chair. I’d swear she touched everything within her reach ten times with her sticky chicken fingers. I suppose it only gets worse. Next I think are vegetables which will create a slime sure to get in every nook and cranny.

– b

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There are 3 Comments to "Got it Together"

  • DADNo Gravatar says:

    What a smile!! Yes they get food all over. Will be grate to see her in person.

  • kimNo Gravatar says:

    yep, that’s why I opted for the very utilitarian restaurant supply warehouse highchair…no fabric, no upholstery, no cracks or crevices…(actually, the peg perego was out of my budget)!

  • jenbobNo Gravatar says:

    that’s why we’re relying so heavily on Craig’s list. She’ll never use the stuff long enough to warrant buying it new.

    if only we could figure out how to get her through college with Craig’s list?

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