
Busy Weekend

Abigail’s rolling quite easily now, but she’s so fast I haven’t been able to get a movie of it.

She’s even more comfortable on her belly. When she first started rolling, she’d get on her belly and kind of scream. Now she just hangs out looking around and wiggling her knees. I’ve been told she can roll back over herself, but I haven’t seen it.

She’s also reaching for things as she did for Jen’s water glass.

Though the shot of her licking the glass is cute, I wish I’d also gotten the shot of her reaching. It’s somewhat more significant. This morning she was reaching for and getting fistfulls of Gretchen, but we had to stop that before it got out of hand.

After Abigail playtime, I ran off to load up on wood pellets.

The Stove Shop had premium hardwood pellets on sale for $245 a ton. That’s the cheapest I’ve seen pellets in the few years we’ve been buying them. Since I have the storage space and the price was so nice, I tried to get as many as I could. The first year I picked up 3 tons, I had them put each ton in my truck and drive them home. That wasn’t really the brightest thing to do. One ton of pellets is 50, 40lb bags. Splitting each ton in two would make for six trips (25 bags a load), so I tried to stretch it a little and go with 30 bag loads. That would drop the number of trips down to 5. Being that the shop was only open from 10 to 4, I only managed 4 trips.

I’ll go back next weekend for the rest.

After that it was time to swim. Abigail got a cute new swim outfit this week, so we had to try it out.

The key part is that it’s SPF 50, which is important since we can’t put suntan lotion on her.

We also got her a floaty thing. It’s supposedly the first step in some 5 step process (more like consumer process) to get your kid to like swimming.

I’m pretty sure as long as I don’t throw her ass in like someone did to me many years ago, she’ll be ok without all the “steps”.

– b

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