
She Doesn’t Sleep

So Abigail doesn’t sleep much. That’s the way it’s pretty much been. She’s not fussy or cranky. She’s just awake a lot more than most babies her age.

This makes her parents fussy and very much cranky.

We bought and read all kinds of books.

We tried all kinds of things.

For a while we had a system that worked. A system that would provide a couple of four hour stretches at night (not in the same night, only a couple of nights each with a single four hour stretch). That was bliss. We (Jen mostly) felt like we were getting sleep again.

All that’s gone. All that’s like it never was. Abigail is back to being awake. Not only awake, but refusing to sleep.

Crying it out is coming, but not before its time. If only that time was sooner rather than later.

– b

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