
Gone to the Dogs

I have one that’s dying and spends the majority of his wakeful time going out and coming in. Sometimes he doesn’t even make it off the deck before he decides he’s had enough and wants to come back in. He’s even decided it’s now appropriate to bark to let us know he wants out. He’s never barked to go out.

The other one has a giant cut on her leg with who knows how many stitches, but does it ever occur to her that maybe now isn’t the right time to chase the cat over the half wall and down the stairs? To make matters worse, she won’t go outside. Sure if you let her out with the other one, she’s fine to chase whatever over whatever, but put her on a leash with a rubber boot on her cut paw and she won’t go. She just cowers through the yard with her tail between her legs. No pee. No poop. Just dread for being leashed with a boot.

I’m not even going there about the 3 month old that won’t sleep.

Like Jacob said to Ben “What about you?”

– b

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