Nelson Ledges, Ohio 7/29/00


Gearing: 15 - 43

Tires: Dunlop DOT 207's

Tire Pressure: 30psi. in rear 28psi. in front

Gas: 94 octane pump gas

Weather: 81 and cloudy


Battery dead. Struggling to get it running. Mind was lost in first Saturday practice. Track was slick.

Remember to thank Don Kinsey #728 and Roach for use of generator.

Lots of traffic. Shifting felt ok. Was not smooth turn 1 through turn 4. Turn 9 was ok.


Practice session 2:

a little better. Had to push start bike. Jeff helped keep it running while I put on my gear. A little more focused. Still lots of traffic. Bikes are everywhere and they don't know what they're doing. Did a lit better in turn 1 through turn 3. Turn 4 still sucks. Need to throw it in more. I think I'm going faster through the carousel. Dragging knee in carousel and turn 3. Even passed on the outside of turn 8. Turn 9 was better but f'd up once and went wide. think it was because of traffic. Traffic also messes up line through turn 10 and going into turn 9. People are all over the place in turn 10. hard to hold consistant line. People back up in turn 11 and or don't gofast enough. Turn 12 should go faster and deeper when there's no traffic. Turn 13 was ok (except traffic). I think Roach's advise of hanging off the bike more helps. i don't seem to be dragging the parts i was, though I wasn't going as fast i don't think. rear is sliding in turn 13 and turn 9, but not bad. Rear is looking worn. will probably have to push start again tomorrow. might go buy a battery charger too.