Twelve Hours on the Farm, Lodi, Fredricksburg, VA
May 5, 07 
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The trailer was designated the changing room. There was a heater going in there all night long, so it wasn't so hard to change out of wet cold clothes and into clean dry clothes or vise/versa. 

Tom has everything. He's the most prepared of anyone I've met. Here he fires up a little propane heater to keep us warm later between laps.  

The start.  

Some miserably cold and wet point in the middle of the night. 

The look on Matt's face when he found out I'm matching his laptimes and getting faster each time I go out. Actually he was probably just
caught by surprise at some point in the night eating a peanut butter and nutella bagel.

We started the night with double laps. A lap was roughly eight miles. At night the laps were taking close to fifty minutes each. My first lap (or
pairs of laps went out shortly before 2am, so I got to ride at 02:03:04 05/06/07. Yeah big deal. Anyway my second set of doubles went out
just after sunrise, which is fine by me. I never really liked the sunrise lap anyway. After that we each did a single lap to bring it all home.
Steadily my lap times were dropping till my last lap of 43 minutes. I got the fastest lap of our team and the entire event. That felt pretty good.
This is me putting down that fast lap.     

Matt and Paul waiting to go out on their morning laps. 

Fitzy holding steady on his solo quest.

Marc back from his last set of doubles.

This was Rob's first solo adventure. He was pretty well cooked. I had to escort him to his finish to make sure he didn't fall over and pass out
in the bushes somewhere along the way.


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