Weekly Pictures from 2006
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Four weeks from today Jen and I will be married. This morning we went to the courthouse and got our marriage license. Interesting little adventure that was. If you're going, be sure you are of "sound mind" and not under "guidence." That was basically the hardest part for us. Paid our $$ and left with a certificate.

Also had our life insurance exams. Had to fast for 12 hours. It was killing me. I started to slur my speech and feel faint from lack of food. I think she checked extra hard for track marks before she took my blood. Whatever, it's done. Now I can start that smoking habit I've always wanted.

So word is out about the Spot/Twin Six gig. It's got me excited and nervous all at the same time. I guess that equals anxious. Wow combine that with a wedding in four weeks and I'm a mess! Anyway, it's cool. It's the direction I've wanted to take my mt. bike racing for a while now. It may not be as many races as I'm used to, but will certainly be races of better quality and length. My problem now is figuring how/when to start training. Last year I took 3 months off to work on our house and came back way stronger then expected. So do I take off 3 months again, possibly 5, or start killing myself now? Maybe that new smoking habit will help me decide 

To the right are hedge apples. As a kid we called them monkey balls or monkey brains. They come from Osage Orange trees. We have a hedge row of them that runs the length of our property. In the fall, they drop like leaves. They're kind of cool. Just another wonder of nature found in our yard.

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  I'm a Spot/Twin Six Whore! I ordered my
bike last week. Should be in very soon. More on all that
later... Don't get me wrong. I'm excited and have things to
say, but I gotta purge some other stuff first.

I'm finally a happy Chris King customer again. Not that
Chris King did anything to make me otherwise, but my rear
hub had been hosed since Seven Springs. After screwing it
up more myself, ordering parts and putting it back together,
we're buzzzzzing again.

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My other rear wheel is in a world of hurt. Last Monday
at Thorpe I somehow completely ripped a spoke
out of the rim. Jen says no "extra" expenditures till after
the wedding. I've put two rides on it like it is, but probably
pushed my luck a little. Poor little piece of crap.
Unfortunately it's beyond my maintenance skills.

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After the hub fix, I replaced a bottom-bracket, aligned a brake
and tightened my headset. I actually have one complete
functioning bike now. I'm finding the problem with having two
bikes set up similar to each other is something's always
wrong. Only on the first day of the double build, did
everything work. It's either a little something on each is
hosed, or one is completely hosed. In addition to the done
rim, the suspension fork needs a little TLC on the currently
down bike. The likelyhood of me getting to that anytime soon
is so non-existant, I went ahead and ordered a fatter tire to
run on my rigid in place of suspension. Yee ha! What
happened to the off-season?

So I realize everytime you visit things are a little different. Still
working on things. Jen's the only one who's actually 
complained. She likes the original weekly picture and short 
blurb format better. I did too, but I'm liking the writing. If
nothing else it gives me exercise. I'm considering going back
to the original format and adding a link at the top to this stuff.
We'll see. Don't have a whole lot of time for much right now.


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My Dentist's admin is driving this ^ and I'm driving this

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The stinky sticky Hop Wallop car. I really have to do
something about it.

We did finally do something about the rehearsal dinner
location. After much research, my mother decided on the
Kimberton Inn. They had a really cool private room
upstairs, so that should be cool. Saturday morning, we got
a suit for me and Thursday I think we decided on a photog.
Late last night we ordered and overnighted the invites.
Busy, busy busy.

Sunday afternoon was a cool team (Bean's) party at
Craig's. He had a whole roasted pig that was out of this
world. Too bad Craig's wasn't available for the rehearsal

Saturday Jen and I went to the Kennet Square Brew Fest.
It was cool, but not sure I'll go next year. Something about
standing around with a bunch of dudes getting drunk on 2
oz. servings of beer just wasn't that exciting. Maybe if I had
a notebook to take notes on everything I tried, I would have
gotten more out of it (I can't even remember my favorite),
but that may have exceeded the limits of lame. It's a big
scam anyway to get you to go out to dinner in Kennet
Square afterword - as we did. We tried the Kennet Square
Inn. Not bad, but they should leave catfish to the south. I'm
kidding really. We had a fun time. Buddy and Matt were
there to guide us to the good stuff. See don't we look like
we're having fun?

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At this particular moment we were waiting in the slowest porta-potty line in the world. It wasn't so fun.



"Something has to change. Undeniable dilemma.
Boredom's not a burden anyone should bear.

Took the day off yesterday to kick back and do some relaxing -
not exactly.  Took off to Jim Thorpe with ol' man Rick to do some
riding with Jamie. Both of them were recovering from head colds
so we decided to take a little easy and do some of the American
Standard/Deerpath loop. These trails are part of what made
Thorpe famous for mt. biking in PA.  A few years ago, the state
made them illegal to ride on. They exist mostly on state game
lands and hunters didn't appreciate the noisy flashy bikers
spoiling their hunt.

"It's not enough. I need more. Nothing seems to satisfy.
I don't want it. I just need it. To feel, to breathe,
to know I'm alive.

In all the trips I've made to Thorpe to ride with Jamie, I've never
done these trails. Not so much because they're illegal, but there's
plenty of other cool stuff to ride. For years now I've heard war
stories about American Standard. It's usually described as 20
some odd miles of single track rocky goodness or hell depending
on your persuasion. It didn't disappoint. It's totally "zone out" rock
garden riding. You get yourself in a groove and you don't stop,
don't loose momentum, and don't get off line.

"I can help you change tired moments into pleasure.
Say the word and we'll be well upon our way.
Blend and balance pain and comfort deep within you
till you will not have me any other way.

At the end of the hardcore stuff, we had a choice of not so long
double track or a little bit longer double track to get back to the
car. The early fall afternoon was so nice, we decided to take the
longer way back. The double track was some old dirt road, long
ago left alone by cars and trucks. Saplings grew to the edge and
over the top of the path for quite a ways. It was a tunnel of light
fall colors running along the ridge top with undulating hills to roll
up and down. On one such down we passed a large timber rattler
caught in the shade of the afternoon sun his belly fat with a fresh
afternoon meal. Between the shade and obvious bulge, he wasn't
very aggressive as we stepped closer for a view.

Then it was on our way again up and down the hills a little more
cautious for our venomous afternoon friends. At a point in the
ridge we came to an overlook with the Lehigh winding it's way
below. In the distance the rooftops of Thorpe stood above the
slightly turning forest around it.

"Something kinda sad
about the way that things have come to be.
Desensitized to everything. What became of subtlety?

With the sun slipping away to the west, the cool air brought on a
chill that made us move on. Through some clear mountain
streams and up a few more hills we were back to the car. An
excellent ride by any means. Some beers in the parking lot and
fresh clothes, the afternoon was perfect.

Then we hit the road for the Tool concert in Wilkes-barre. Yeah
just like that - all peacefull and tranquill then off to a rock

"How can it mean anything to me
if I really don't feel anything at all?
I'll keep digging till I feel something.

We stopped in Thorpe for some food (more beer), then piled in
my car to head up the road to Wilkes-barre. Rick had gotten
tickets about a month ago. Props to Rick for such a great idea
day.  The drive up was mostly uneventful besides not really being
sure where we were going and the bottom of a beer bottle
deciding to dislodge itself from the rest of the bottle directly over
the center console of my car. "No officer I haven't been drinking.
That's simply the full beer that spilled itself all in my car." It
sucks. My car smells like those smelly basement bars back in
college. The show was cool. It was the same as when I saw
them in May, but more people. Maynard was feeling better this
time and was a little more animated. I was a little dissapointed
with the visuals. Usually they have a large video screen playing
images in tune with the music. They had the images, but the
screen was broken up to smaller numerous screens across the
back of the stage. Made it harder for me to focus and zone out.
Got home late. Too late for these old bones. I think my hearing
is finally coming back.

The snippets of lyrics belong to track 1 of Tools album Aenima. They opened
the show with this song. It's my favorite.



2:30 pm Sunday afternoon and I'm drunk. How's that happen? I
guess it's to be expected when you go riding with a guy who's
blog is titled Bikes and Beer. The Wissahicken plans fell through
because of rain, so Buddy asked if Ben and I would be so kind to
escort some people around the Downingtown Trails with lunch at
Victory afterwords. Sure. The rain quit. It was a beautifil day.

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My favorite time of year.

The ride was good. It turned out to only be Buddy, Matt, Ben and
myself. The trails were slick with trecherous off-camber wet roots.
I was loving it.

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Now sufficiently sober it was time to tackle my King hub. It's
been out of commission since Seven Springs. I borrowed my
friends King hub tool, watched the videos, read the instructions
and went to work. The hub body wasn't so bad. I got it all apart
cleaned up and reassembled without much incident. The
drive shell I screwed up. There's a piece that you're supposed to
thread out before you try to knock out the inner bearing. I missed
that step and started hammering away on the bearing. It's
destroyed. Luckily King can replace most every part.
Unfortunately I'll have to wait another week to ship the part. Such
is life.

I'm off work today. Riding Thorpe this afternoon, then off further
north for the Tool concert. Back to work tomorrow. That will suck.
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After the ride we hit Victory for some lunch and a few beers.
They had a new Harvest Ale described as "like a Hop Devil, but
with more alcohol." Sounds like a Hop Wallop to me, I'll take a
large one. It wasn't like a Hop Wallop at all or even really a Hop
Devil. It was similar in color to a Hop Devil, but really smooth.
Thirsty after a hard ride at Downingtown, the first one went down
fast. Then auto-magically a second one appears in front of my
plate. And that's how I got drunk by 2:30 in the afternoon on a

So now what? Jen says might as well keep drinking, but where's
the challenge in that. Instead I set out to complete some chores.
I started first with dishes. They don't require a whole lot of mental
capacity. After that I went about hooking up the phone line to our
office. When we first moved in, we (I) ripped all the phone
line/jacks out of the upstairs. All this time our phone and
answering machine have been in the basement. When I installed
the home network, I put a jack in the office, but never wired it. In
the waning hour of my afternoon drunkness, I finally made the
connection. Now our phone and answering machine are happily
co-habitating on the computer desk upstairs.

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I'm not lying to you when I say I covet
Cross. I was almost there this year, but time just wouldn't allow it. Yeah it's true. I have five or six bikes but no cyclocross. Hopefully next year.

Comforting, though probably just for me, is what I covet. I have friends (we all have these friends) that are into their cars, their neighbors car and some dudes car at work. If not cars, it's houses, vacations, big flat screen HD TVs, etc.

Ok so how's a car different than a cross bike? It's not the bike. It's the experience. The bike has little to do with it. It's the time of year. The weather. The conditions. It's balls to the wall badass for 45 minutes. It's fast. The wind burns. The rain freezes. It's not happening for me this year.

Other experiences I
covet. And one I have time for.

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Closed the pool today. It was way over do, but as always time is limited.  Went pretty well I think. Lowered the water, blew out the pipes, covered it, and cleaned the filter.

Even had time to cut the yard. Hadn't done that in a while. I could feel my neighbors shaking their heads at my lawn when I drove by. Oh well. It's cut and good for another few weeks I guess.

Tomorrow there's a ride down in the city at Wissahicken. I've only been there once before. It's fun. Just watch out for the people.

Briefly noted:
SAP 2005 Holiday pictures
Riding Jim Thorpe on Monday with this guy



Mountain Bike Group Ride Rules

1. Slower riders should always ride to the back of the group.

That's pretty much it. I've been riding in various groups for four years now. The rules are rarely spoken and I've never seen them written. But they do exist and are mostly understood. It's the interpretation of the rules that seems to get confused. The obvious question is that speed (fast or slow) is a relative term. One person's fast can certainly be another person's slow. It is your job when you start a group ride to figure out the definition of slow and fast for that group. You must continue this interpretation throughout the ride.

You should assume if you are new to the group or the trails that you are going to be slow - start in the back. As the ride progresses and you've assesed the group and trails, you may decide to move up, but only on a rider by rider basis.
With each person you get in front of, you need to be damn sure of your skills in relation to theirs. Are they fast on downhills, uphills, technical, etc. And how does all that compare to you? Make adjustments where appropriate.
You may figure out that one person is particularly slow everywhere but the downhills. Let them go first on the downhills.
You may find a person that was slow in the beginning of the ride has now warmed up and rubbing your wheel. Let them go in front of you.

Just because you or someone else is slow today or at a certain part of the ride, does not mean they will be slow everytime or everywhere. You must pay attention to this and yield when necessary.

You must be aware of your skills and fitness and those around you on every ride throughout the ride. Everything changes all the time. Pay attention and adjust to the group dynamic.

It's true riding a bike is an individual task, but riding in a group takes it far beyond the individual. In a group (like most group activities) you become responsible for the experience of those around you. This is true for everyone in the group even the fastest riders.

I have heard people argue the faster riders are being selfish when they get upset with slower riders in front of them, thus hurting the experience of the slower rider - in truth the experience of both riders has been diminished. What's the point of the slower rider being in front?  What do they have to gain? What of their experience is lost by riding in the back?  If you are unfamiliar with the trail and afraid of getting lost, it is the responsibility of the faster riders to stop and wait for you. If needed, ride back and find you.

Again, the responsibility of the groups experience is shared by everyone.

If you're at the back and get hurt or your bike is damaged, it is the responsibility of the group to ride back and help. They should do this. They should not continue without you. Unless you tell the group to leave you, you and your experience is their responsibility.

If you're trying to learn a trail and/or improve your skills, it cannot be done in front of faster riders. The best way to learn is to follow and watch. Challenging yourself to stay in front of someone is a lot harder than challenging yourself to keep up with someone. If it's become too easy to keep up with a particular rider, then move on to the next - where appropriate (if they're still kicking your ass on the downhills, pull over and let them go first for the downhill). If you find yourself at the front of the group, then obviously you're worthy of the "staying in front" challenge - good luck. It's hard.

Thank you. This has been a message of the public Ass Kicking service. Have a nice day.

And never underestimate the power of beer.



Culinary Wasteland...

Jen and I are lost - up to our eyeballs in food, rooms and
reservations. Here are some highlights. Saturday night was the
Arthur Awards for our dance studio. We got all dressed up and
were completely overwhelmed. I really can't put into words all the
things we saw that evening. Wasn't exactly good or bad, just
a lot - sort of like the Sunday paper - news, tragedy and the 
comics all rolled into one.

Sunday race day at Bear Creek. We won second place in the large
team competition. It was a close call for us, but we pulled it off in
the end.

Went to two more restaurants  - the Marshallton Inn and Ludwig's
Oyster Bar.  Waiting on price lists/menus to make the final call for
rehersal dinner dining.

Tomorrow night is a DJ exhibition. Wednesday riding - what's that?
Thursday dancing and Friday more food. Holy crap when's it gonna


And a surprise for me was fifth place in the Elite mens 30-34 age
group. My first year in the dreaded "train your ass off" category
and I get a trophy. A teammate beat me out of fourth place by half
a point. I beat another teammate for fifth with a single point. I don't
have time for a full race report, but I can say Bear Creek is hard,
my body hurts and dehydration sucks - gotta quit doing that.


Jen says I'm a bit O.C.D.

I've had iTunes for almost two years now. In iTunes there's this cool little feature that records how many times you've listened to the song you're currently listening to. The particular song I was listening to yesterday, I had listened to 70 times. That may not be out of the ordinary, but all the other songs on that album average about 20. In my music collection I have a handful of songs like this. This song happens to have the highest play count. The next song is Wooden Ships by Crosby Stills & Nash at 68.

It's true. I will put a song on repeat and let it run for a half hour or so. Or I will make a little four song playlist and listen to it all day. Is it O.C.D.? I don't know. I like the songs - either the lyrics, their sound or the combination. It sooths me to just let it play - maybe that's a little O.C.D.?

The song in particular is A Perfect Circle's Passive. You can watch the video here. It came out as the title song for the movie Constantine. Interesting flick (the Devil was sinisterly humorous), but whatever.  The lyrics are here. I'm a big fan of Maynard's lyrics. I simply like the song, though it's not my favorite of all songs.  Maybe today I'll listen to it some, but I'll probably move onto something else. We'll see.

My ebay items went off last night. Without fail some numbskull got the winning bid for one of my items. He has a -2 record. Meaning he's had two transactions and both went sour. The first communication I get from him is as follows:

Im pretty stoked i won ur derailer, i was hoping to get it really quick, i need it on my bike fast. so i was hoping money order would work. i live in BC, canada. So please hurry and replie.
Im new at this thing so have patience.

My response:

You've put me in an awkward position. My item specifically said I sell only in the US. If you want this transaction completed, I'll first need an address from you and a shipping preference (UPS, USPS, FedEx, etc.). I'll have to visit said shipping facility, get a shipping price, and contact you with that price and my address. Once I get your money order, cash it, and fill out customs paper work, I will send the item.

If you cannot comply with these instructions, I have no choice but to refuse your winning bid and report you to Ebay.

Let me know how you want to proceed.

So far no response. He has three days. The clock is ticking...


Fresh parsley anyone? Better than spinach right?
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This was one of three catepillars in our parsley plant. Kind of like
the three pairs of Shimano pedals I got today from the Brown
Santa. Not really, but I had to get there somehow. These are
the replacements for my Candy's. It's tough switching things
like pedals when you have multiple bikes, but I got lucky and
found these beauties for $52 a pair. They're normally around
$79 or something. Not sure when I'll get to try them, but I've
got to get some time on them before the race this weekend. Have
to get my one bike rebuilt too. My
King hub is hosed since the
Seven Springs race. I tried using it for the race this past weekend,
but it wouldn't even spin. The headset is a little stiff too.

On Sunday I got Jen's car fixed. Changed the oil, rotated the tires
and fixed the power steering.

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read and learn

Mother and I have been rehearsal dinner shopping. Started
Sunday night with the Thorndale Inn. The place was a complete
dive. We couldn't figure out where the front door was. Inside
wasn't much better. BUT the food is amazing!  It's soooo good.
Even the coffee kicked ass. Monday I had a work dinner, so it
was off to Coyote Crossing for some mexican with the co-wokers.
Tough week so far huh? Yeah every morning I've been riding to
work off the gluttony. Today we hit Eagle Tavern for lunch, the
Kimberton Inn for dinner and Ludwig's Inn & Oyster Bar in
between. Eagle Tavern didn't make the cut. Ludwig's had a
decent room, but we haven't tried the food. Kimberton had an
awsome room, but the food was only almost as good as
Thorndale. So far in the running is a dump with great food, a cool
place with decent food, and a decent place with food we haven't
tried. We have a few more places to try. Stay tuned for the

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It was all a pain in the ass. I decided I'm done changing oil for
good. It cost $19 for the oil and filter and I still have to recycle the
used oil. I can take it somewhere and have it done for that price.
It's just not worth my time. Like any car project, it took twice as
long as it should. I don't have time for that. Interesting though, the
routine tasks were the headaches. The power steering was
pretty straight forward.  

Nor do I have time for a 109 page power point slide to be read to
me bullet point for bullet point, but that's a story for another time...


Five Star came and restocked our freezer Thursday night. Great
service and great food. Bring on the bombs! I'm ready.

After the food was dropped off I got busy on some overdue Ebay
work. I hate Ebay. Not actually Ebay, just the people that use it.
You spend all this time setting it up, writing descriptions and
instructions, then someone asks a stupid question like "can you
ship this to the moon and can I get it in pink." It freaks me out,
because I'm worried somehow it will change my rating when I tell
them No, go crawl back under your rock. Anyway, got a few items
up. Feel free to bid and mess with their heads.

Got an RA number for my pedals. They'll be going back for
warrenty and the replacements up on Ebay. I'm finally done with
Crank Brothers. Got 3 pairs of Shimanos on the way.

Mom showed up this weekend to go rehearsal dinner shopping.
Woohoo! Out to eat everywhere - everyday.

Did the New Milford race on Saturday. I kept debating back and
forth all Friday. It's a two and a half hour drive to get there. The
course is only a 4 mile lap and it's six laps. It makes you dizzy
and you lose count.

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Rocked out with the fender again. Highly recommended for
two-niners in the mud. So how'd the race go? Sort of typical. The
start was a downhill gravel road, so I was dead last into the
woods. Wasn't long after that I had my first kill. The guy was
totally lost in the mud and rocks. Got around him pretty quick,
then got passed a lot by the class behind me. Oh yeah there were
10 starters, so now I'm 9th. The first lap was hard. I made all the
climbs, missed a turn and killed myself. At the start/finish a guy I
know yelled "settle in Bob" and he was right. I hadn't settled in
yet. I was trying to force it too much, so I spent the second lap
trying to settle in. Things got a little better, but it still hurt more
then I thought it should. I diced it up with Elk a little - more like
got in his way and annoyed him. Then got passed by Werner. That
annoyed me. I've ridden with him at Thorpe on his home turf and
kept in front of him pretty easily. Why the hell was he stomping on
me today - oh well. He's cool. I let him go. Third lap came around
and I was still "settling in". By the end though I felt good. Actually
felt ready to go - ready to race! Lucky for me, I had 3 freaking laps
left to go. I "broke the seal", cranked it up a few notches and took
off. Immediately I started seeing guys from my class, beat, broken
and passed. Eigth, seventh and soon enough sixth was mine.
Crossed the finish line, had a few beers and drove home. In the
end I'm glad I went. It was a tough race, but I needed it. Now if I
could get some riding in during the week, maybe it wouldn't take
so long to warm up in the race.

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The team needs points for second place team competition in the
series, but I didn't want to drive all the way up there by myself. A
bunch of the other team members couldn't make it, because of
prior commitments. Over and over again I was like what's the
point?  Rick wasn't sure if he could go, because of his kids
soccer game and Sean wasn't sure if Lander would want to ride
three of us in my car. Huh? Lander doesn't care. What the hell
Sean? I went to bed still not knowing. Woke up at 6:30am with a
text message from Rick. He was good to go. Pick up Rick at 8
and head off. At 8:22 I get a call from Sean he asks "is everything
ok?" I reply, "Yeah just fine." Then he says "where are you?" "I'm
on the road with Rick, you never called back so I made alternate
plans"  Sean realizes the mistake and he and Lander head off on 
their own.  Oh yeah. It's raining. Been raining all morning. So
we're heading off on a two and half hour drive to do a race in the
rain or at least mud.

And muddy it was - as you can see in the picture. This was
peanut butter mud too. Not like Jiff, like natural peanut butter
that is runny and thick at the same time. Your wheels just spun
without going anywhere. It would divert your forward progression
to sideways into the weeds in a split second.

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Busy day today. Fix Jen's car, fix my bikes, cut the grass and go
out to eat. Busy, busy, busy.


Five years ago this month 913 won the WERA Mid-Atlantic
D-Superbike and Formula 2 Novice Championships. So today
should be my day! 9/13 - 913?  uh-uh. My pedal axle snapped 3
miles into the ride tonight. This is the second time I've broken a
Crank Brothers Candy pedal axle. These were the "stronger"
replacements pedals for the last ones I snapped. What the hell?
I thought it was rediculous when my Genuine Innovations 16 gram
co2 cartridge wouldn't fit in my Genuine Innovations Second Wind
pump (yeah i got a flat too), but snapping a pedal axle
(for the second time!) takes the cake. Felt strong tonight.

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We're mt. bikers. Sticks are fun - tacks mostly useless against
tubless tires with liquid laytex vascular systems. Confrontation
is key. Dogs bark because they are confined and can't confront.
People throw down sticks because they're afraid to confront.
Passive-aggressive gets you no where.

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Big fast group. Ben was railing Skelp Level. I couldn't decide
if I was going to rail it or watch him. Flat tire made up my mind
for me.

Rode with the D-town boys last night. Good ride. Felt strong.
Love the cool clear nights. Ripping through the quiet dark woods.
Dogs barking in the distance. They know something's out
there. Property owners know too. We're making trails
on their property and riding them. They half-heartedly throw sticks
across the trails to stop us. Sometimes put down strips of tacks.

Some videos:
Crazy Germans


Would you like to see our wine list?

Ran out to get a tuxedo tonight.  It wasn't anywhere near as
complicated as I thought it could be, though I did hold off on the
details like shirt, tie, cuff links, etc. till Jen gets back. When it
comes to tuxes there's only a few styles to choose from, so it's
easier than a suit. Any goofball looks good in a monkey suit. 

It's not even for the wedding. With this dancing stuff Jen and I are
getting into, there's a few formals she wants to hit. When in 

Got to ride to work today. Felt strong, though tired. Need to catch
up on sleep before, my check bounces.

Jen's been gone thirtysix hours now and I'm already having full-on
conversations with the pets. The cat and I have quite a nice dialog
going. The dog just looks at me and wags his tail if he's not
passed out in the middle of the bed. It's a shame I had to leave the
tux for alterations. I'm sure the aminals would have enjoyed the
fashion show.

Tomorrow night is a night ride with D-town boys. Haven't ridden
with them in a while. Should be nice, cool and fast. Can't wait.

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Holy crap !  I didn't ride at all this weekend. I've been neglecting the
house and various house chores, so this weekend was camp Bob.
Saturay I started with a load of dishes, then moved onto the pool.
After backwashing it last weekend, it started pumping D.E. back
into the pool. That's bad, so I shut it down till this weekend when
I could take a look at it. My first thought was that I busted a
filter grid again, so Friday night I pulled the filter all apart and 
cleaned it. Turns out all the filter grids were fine. I was hoping
I'd put it all back together and it would just work. As I'm putting
new D.E. into the skimmer, Jen's asks, why are the jets so

weekly picture

While the silicone is drying, I start cutting the grass, which
includes, raking the black walnut garbage out of neighbors yard.
I have a black walnut tree over my driveway that drops all kinds
of debris in his yard and mine. It's annoying, but there's
something about having a black walnut that I put up with it. After
getting the front yard cut, it's time to take a shower and head to
University Mews for Jeff and Sarah's house warming party. That
requires a train and cab ride. Get to the party, drink some beers
be merry, then home by 10pm. Sunday 5am the alarm goes off.
Jen leaves for Dallas for two weeks and I have to get her to the
airport by 7am.

weekly picture

All the while I've been periodically brushing the pool to stir
up the D.E.and get it sucked into the filter. By now it's late
enough to start making noise. I fire up the leaf blower and
start to clean the driveway. The storm we got last weekend,
wreaked havoc on the oak and cherry over our driveway. I
got tired of crunching acorns leaves and twigs when I drove
around. With the driveway clear, I could take some time to
check out Jen's car. The power steering gave out over a
week ago. I thought it was simply a hose that blew. After
getting under the car I realized it was the belt.

weekly picture

Is it dinner yet? Cook some burgers and get back to work. This
morning when I was printing Jen's boarding pass, I noticed our
network closet was retaining a considerable amout of heat.
Between the computer we have in there, hard drives, printer and
litter box, there's plenty to make the air nasty. I got the return
grill to remedy that. I cut a 12"x12" hole in the top and screwed it
on. I think it's working - I guess. If not, whatever. I think it looks
kind of cool in some whacky industrial sort of way. 

So I guess that's it. I can't remember anymore. I've spent nearly
two hours building this, so I guess this counts too. Oh yeah, now I
have to mop since I spilled my gin & tonic everywhere. Hopefully
I'll ride to work tomorrow, then ride Tuesday and Wednesday
nights. For those wondering, here's an update on the bruise. I 
think it hurts worse then it did. Looks sort of better, though it's
migrating everywhere. 

weekly picture
weekly picture

Damn! Didn't fix it. Still broke. As I'm about ready to call
the pool shop and pay $$$ to have them come out and fix it, I
remember I never replaced my multiport valve gasket. What if it's
busted and allowing water and D.E. to leak between lines? I pop
open the Multi port value lid and sure enough, it's done. The
gasket is a wreck. I run to the shop, get a gasket and a new
valve lid (piece of mind), run home and throw it together.

weekly picture

Get back from the airport around 8am and start
more chores. Originally I was going to do trail maintenance, but
no time this weekend. Since it was so early, I had to find quiet
chores. I started caulking. Our front stoop has a pretty big gap
between itself and the house. I caulked it. The window installers
missed the bottom flashing for the window over our sink, so I
started on it. The gap was too wide, so I had to fill it with Great
Stuff. I also had some gaps around the front door and bedroom
windows that needing filling. While the Great Stuff dried, I
caulked a few more odds and ends around the house.

weekly picture

The AC compressor kind of died on us about a month ago.
It was so dead now, it had welded itself solid, thus not allowing
the belt (which also ran the power steering) to spin. The belt 
must have burned itself off. Easy fix was to get a new belt for
a Protege without AC. Run off to Pepboys to check it out. The
guy says there's no such thing. They don't have it - can't order it.
Screw them. Get some lunch, stop at Home Depot and get back
home. At Home Depot I picked up a return grill, telephone
junction box, gutter guards and clippers. All for more chores. I
get home and throw the gutter guards in the detached garage
gutters, then fire up the tractor and finish cutting the yard. Run
the weed wacker and do some weeding. Finally I get to fire up
my new chainsaw and cut up some fallen limbs. Pull out the leaf
blower again to clean up grass and leaf clippings. Finish caulking
the kitchen window, move the extra drywall to the detached
garage, and throw a load of towels and blankets in the wash.

weekly picture

Not sure how long I'll maintain this format. It's time consuming
and I'm not sure of any entertainment value. Tomorrow night I'm
going shopping for a Tux. Maybe that will provide something
interesting. As a footnote. I did find the belt for a protege w/o
AC - some place online. Hope it works.

Some bike related videos:
Mullet Mafia in Iraq Sucks
Sick Trials                               ...at least somebody's riding


*** His and hers cutlery *** 

This week Jen and I both got our very own cutlery sets. To the right is Jen's. it's a Montrose knife block set including all kinds of sharp and shiny goodies.

Below is my new chainsaw. Granted it's not quite as nice as Jen's knife set, but I think it will get the job done around here. This past weekend we had the top of a tree come off. My new 18" should rip through it pretty well.


weekly picture

On a stupider note I almost got run over tonight riding home
from work (yeah I said stupider). Some lady in a Big Red SUV came within inches of me on the shoulder. I was a little upset, so I did some yelling and a few hand gestures to express myself. Lucky for me her husband was right behind her in a BIGGER SUV towing a boat. He layed on the horn and gave me even less room. It's bad enough people are dying all over the world to fuel these hungry muthas. Why do they have to kill me too?
weekly picture

When I bought the saw, I had already purchased it and was
at a second checkout counter buying something else. The guy
at the counter was like,

"I see you've got some work to do" referring to the saw. I looked
at the saw then back at him and said,

"work or play depends on your perspective."  The clerk in a very
listen here kid sort of way says,

"I had a few trees go down this weekend. Trust me. Cutting up
wood is a lot of work." 

Now this is three days after I get back from doing a 24hour
mountain bike race through a hurricane. Don't tell me about
work you ol' geezer. It took everything in me not to say,

"who said anything about cutting wood?"

- More -


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