Weekly Pictures from 2006
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Got the tree decorated. Still needs some finishing touches, but it's actually starting to look a little like Christmas around here

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Got the new bird feeder up this weekend. It's just outside our new picture window in the kitchen. It's all geeky I know, but I like it.

Dec. 9th was the one year anniversery for closing on our house. I've been working on a before/after picture page, but it's coming along slowly. The goal was to have it done for the ninth. That obviously didn't happen. Stay tuned. It will be up soon.

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If anyone deserves the title of MC for our wedding, it is my father. The old coot actually printed out pictures from our website to match names with faces and memorize them before the event.

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Our dishes 
have arrived! We've been receiving boxes for three days. Dishwasher is running full tilt as we move the new ones in and the old ones out. But there's even BIGGER news! We got the blog thing worked out.

From now on, blog messages, rants, and dialogues will be found
here. Our homepage (the page you're on) will go back to the simple weekly picture with short message.

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So I changed the photo to something else. Stay tuned for a wedding teaser picture page. We don't have the official pictures yet, but I do have a
collection of pictures taken from various participants.



The Mrs. wants the wedding picture up for the week. I can update messages and thoughts, but not the picture. So you ask how married life is going? There you have it.

It's true we're not honeymooning at the moment. Saving it for something in the spring.

In my quest to make cycling harder (don't ask why), I continued riding the fixie offroad this week. The first ride destroyed my legs. The second loosened them up a little and went pretty well considering the conditions - wet leaves covering wet off-camber roots and slick rocks. The third ride was a doozy. I decided to do the Wed. night group ride with it. Here's an email I sent a friend the next day:

last night was tough. the leaves were stirred up more, I was pushing harder and I crashed a lot. I bent my chainring on a log (need a guard for fixie), then dropped my chain till I bent it back. my cog came loose in the back. not sure what that's about. I'm afraid I've stripped out the bolts. think I might bruild a wheel with a Surly disk hub and do it like yours. no back brake sucks. then why bother with fixed. it only makes the logs harder.  did I mention I crashed a lot? will still go fixie on road. seems like a nice place for it.

Why a fixie to make things harder I don't know. It would have made more sense to just try riding more. That seems to be the most difficult thing right now.

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It's official.

We're married!

It was a great time. Thanks to everyone.
We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and the company.

Rehearsal dinner pictures here .


Today's the big day!. Today I get to finally ride my fixie! 

Yeah yeah I'm getting married too, but any self respecting cyclist has to throw in some exciting cycling related thing on their big day.

I've been meaning to "fix" my bike for a while now, but didn't have the time. Yesterday while hanging out with my dad, we took 2 hours and 4 drill bits to put this together.

You uber geeks out there can ignore the caliper on the other side. I ran out of time yesterday to remove it. I'll take care of that before my ride today.

Should be a great way to work out any pre-wedding jitters, though I think I'm more nervous about the ride then the exchanging of vows.

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The calm before the storm
The past couple of weeks I've been trying to keep myself on an even keel before the big day. It's stressful enough knowing it's coming,
hoping all goes well and everyone's happy. I didn't want to put myself into any extra stress inducing situations. For the most part I've done a
pretty good job.

But now it's here. Family and friends are arriving. Things are buzzing. The stress-o-meter is cranking itself up notch by notch. Luckily
nothing too terrible has happened. Let's hope it stays that way.


The bachelor party was a great success. No one got arrested, puked or got in any fights.

It really was a blast. Thanks to Craig for hauling our drunk asses all over philly. Thanks to Scott for taking the pictures and thanks to everyone for such a great time.  Some pictures here.

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Last March the "Receptacle of Death" made it's debut. Apparently it's back.

The previous owners of our house had a mouse problem. Mostly I thought because of the attic gap. To cure their problem, they baited various places downstairs with poison. Mice come along, eat the poison and die. Then another mouse comes along, either eats the dead mouse or the poison and dies as well. Pretty soon you have a pile of stinky dead mice. That's where the receptacle comes in. Some of the places baited or where the mice went to die are deep within the walls. Where there's an access point - like this receptacle - you can smell the dead. It's not too bad. You have to bend down and really take a whiff. Though in the summer when it got hot, you didn't have to try too hard.

So now it's that time of year when mice go searching for cover. Sure enough they got in. I've heard them twice downstairs. The first was in the wall next to the couch. The second, you guessed it. At the receptacle. So on top of making last minute preparations for our wedding next weekend, I'm on a mouse hunt. I got traps. They're set. Come and get it.

This also means it's probably time to cut out the receptacle and clean what's behind it. Last year we found thirteen dead mice in our walls and ceilings. We found six once in a single spot. I wonder what this will bring?

On a happier note - bachelor party tomorrow night. Should be interesting to say the least.

Yeah. I know I shouldn't be talking about mice and stuff like that a week before our wedding, but the wedding stuff is going real smooth so far. No issues or anything really to talk about there. 


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RSVPs are rolling in. We're up to 35 steak and cakes and 11
chickens. I think we've got most things figured out for the big
show, though I still need to get my suit altered.

Busy weekend this weekend. Started friday night with
gaming at Fran's house. He and a bunch of his friends are
into serious board games - crazy stuff you've never heard of.
We've been once before and Jen really likes it.

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Finished Saturday with an 06 Hop Wallop and a few episodes
of Lost. Jen and I are Lost junkies. Without TV we have to
get our fix through Netflix. Right now we're about half-way
through season two.

Got up this morning and did a ride at French Creek. It was
windy, but not as cold as it seemed. I'm still pushing the
bigger gear on my bike and certainly felt it at French Creek.
Felt the rocks too as I'm also running rigid. The fat 2.3 up front really helps. Makes it almost bearable at Miller's Point.

After the ride I spent a few hours on the tractor running
cirlces in the yard. I think I sucked up more biomatter today
then I have all year with the leaves and everything else
blowing around the yard.

There are bachelor party plans brewing in the mist for next weekend. So far I've been kept out of the ideas and planning. I
think it recently changed, but can't be sure. Whatever happens,
I'm sure it will be an adventure.

I think that's it. I'm exhausted and badly need a shower.

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Saturday I got up and started with car stuff. My car had a headlamp out and Jen
had a bad brake light. Took nearly two hours to get that all straightened out. After
that I started and finished one of our home projects. There was a gap between
the garage attic and the basement ceiling that let cold air and mice run rampent
through our basement. All gone now. I can finally sleep at night.

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Jay sent me this today. Jeff suggested if we'd had prayer flags, our weekend would have gone better. I say if we made basecamp the Dunkin Donuts in Gorham, our weekend would have gone better.

 I added some pictures I got from Jeff. They're a little different then what I had. Nicer camera - nicer pictures.
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Randomness Rules
So (almost) everytime I relate the story of this
weekend , someone says something like "'Someone' was really looking out for you guys." 
Maybe I'm a little bitter about it, but if "someone" was looking out for us wouldn't/couldn't they have knocked down another tree?

I'm an antagonist. I like to ask lots of questions, and the question that comes to mind goes something like this: if no one had any hand in
this at all, was it simply dumb luck that this tree fell in our direction, then on top of that nearly missed us without a scratch? I realize it
wasn't so random that a tree fell. The wind was blowing really hard and the trees were full of heavy wet snow, but the amount of randomness 
in this one incident is confounding.

Then I ask another question. Why was "someone" watching over us? Why didn't "someone" watch over the last kid that disappeared or the
last loved one that died in a car accident?  Is the watching of whom, where and when that random? 

Which would you prefer?

My last question is have I somehow jinxed myself by questioning all this?

Wedding Notes: We're registered at
Video: Cell Talker


Had an interesting weekend in the White Mountains of New Hampshire this weekend. Read about it here.

It's late. I'm tired and getting yelled at to come to bed.

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Got my new pack already to go for this weekends adventure. For those of you playing the "at home" version, you can keep track of how wet I'm getting here and more specifically here. We leave Philly tomorrow am around 4:30. Hopefully hit the Great Gulf trail by 1pm and setup camp by 4 or 5 at the junction of the Great Gulf and the Wamsutta. Eat some food, then get to bed. The original plan was to get up way early and make a summit attempt by or before noon, but considering the weather, we might sleep in a little and try a little later. The general rule of thumb is to get up and down before afternoon weather sets in. Since the weather from the afternoon before looks like it's going to be hanging around a bit, we might wait.

Either way the goal is the summit of Mt. Washington on Sat. It's not likely to be pretty or even really visible, but it will be cool none-the-less. I made an attempt in March a few years back, but was turned back by weather. The same thing might happen this time. You simply have to accept you'll get there when you get there. Pushing beyond your limits on this mountain just isn't worth it.

Three years ago this month I made a trip to the Adirondacks with the same guys that's doing this trip. We made it to the top of Mt. Marcy on that one. Maybe we'll get lucky.

I got this pack two years ago for winter camping, since I tend to take a whole lot more in winter. I'm taking it this time because I needed room to take a second pack with me. On summit day, I'm going to use a smaller lighter pack. Hiking into base camp and out should be fine with this bohemeth on my back. It weighed in at 41lbs. The pack itself weighs six. There's two liters of water in there too. Not bad for a fall jaunt in the rain in the White Mts.

Be back Monday. Maybe I'll get some pictures and write up together then.

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I updated the links page. I've been reading a whole bunch of other peoples blogs. This
one in particular. I love what he says and how he
says it. Jen started working on our new blog setup. Still having issues, but we are working on it. Probably doesn't matter to most, but it has 
lots of potential.



With our wedding being only four weeks away and the nature of female Praying Mantes, you'd think I'd have some smart-ass comment about this one. Nope. All I can say is if you think it's gross try eating Enchiladas  with Tomatillo sauce while editing the photo. Mmmm tasty!  This guy (or girl) was on our front step Friday after the first frost.

Still working on the new site format. Technical difficulties abound. We'll get it worked out and hopefully both Jen and I can start leaving you tasty little treats.

Be sure to check out the photos and write up for this past weekends Ghouls & Fools ride. A kickass time was had by most. Also this weeks educational link. It's amazing what helpful/humerous stuff you'll find on the net.

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So Jen and I have been doing this
Arthur Murray Dance thing for about a month and a half. I've got to tell you, it's hard.  Mentally demanding. There's a crap load of stuff you have to know and constantly figure out. I sit there at the classes looking around the room at all these middle aged, pot bellied, man-boob men and envy them. I don't know how long they've been doing it, but they're smooth - real smooth. Their haggard old babes look like flowers dancing about the room. It's crazy. I bust my ass and rack my brain trying to pull together the few dinky moves we've learned, but it just doesn't happen. On what foot do I lead the turn? Which direction does the turn go? Am I still on the beat? Did I move my foot with my toe or my heel? Meanwhile these older couples are gliding about the floor around us.

Apparently we're on track and ready to move to the next level. Not only does it get harder, but also more expensive. For the older folks, I would think plastic surgery would be cheaper. Fortunately dancing is more fun.


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