SnowShoe, Wv February 12, 2005


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The weekend of February 12 - 13 we drove down to Alderson, Wv to meet Dave and go skiiing at Snow
Shoe. We did this last year and ended up drinking more than skiing. This year we took Ben with us and
actually got a little more time on the slopes. Here we are in the parking lot at Snow Shoe. We had 4
adults and 3 snowboards packed into Ben's Jeep. 

Here's Ben at the top of one of the terrain park slopes. The wall looking thing in front of him is called a rail.
You're supposed to ride along the top edge of it.  

Here's Dave at the top of a run.

Here's looking  down the run at the lake located at the bottom of the mountain.

Stopping for an afternoon snack.

So Dave had a little accident near the end of the day . He fell pretty hard and tore the ligaments in his shoulder.
At this point, in the ski patrol office, we really had no idea what he'd hurt.  Some nappy haired toothless ski
patrol woman tried telling us it was a ligament, but I didn't exactly trust her non-licesed medical judgment.
Turns she was right.  

So we drove back to Alderson making sure Dave had plenty of beer to dull the pain. Back in Alderson, Ben
strapped some ice to Dave's shoulder.

For the evening's entertainment, Dave setup a projector hooked to his laptop to watch movies.

We watched "Napolean Dynamite" that night and "Touching the Void" the next morning .  After that we packed
Dave up and sent him on his way. 



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