Memorial Day Weekend Rides
May 2006
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Now that I'm racing in the expert class and have signed up for the Wilderness 101, I'm motived to do longer rides.  For Memorial Day weekend, we put together two epic rides. For Saturday we decided to ride the Michaux Maximus Monster course in the Michaux State Forest. Ben and Mark did the race a month ago in April, so we figured it would be easy enough to trace the thirty-five mile course by ourselves. The plan was for Ben, Chris, Jamie and myself to do the Michaux ride, camp Saturday night and do the SSWC course in State College, PA on Sunday. Mark and Craig came along just for the ride on Saturday. Here we are getting ready for the ride on Saturday. Ben, Jamie, Craig and myself rode our singlespeeds, while Mark and Chris road their full-suspension geared bikes.

This was the first little break we took. We had covered Grave Ridge and were headed up to climb Dead Woman Hollow Road.

Here we are at the top of Dead Woman Hollow Road resting and waiting for Ben. It was a killer climb. Not the steepest or longest I've done,
but it was grassy and in full sun most of the way. 

After Dead Woman Hollow road it was smooth sailing down a fireroad. Here's Craig and Chris enjoying the change of pace.  

Mark, Ben and Jamie pushing the front of the group. After this point things got a little hairy. We were looking for a quick turn-off into the
woods off the fire-road, but were probably going to fast to see it. We had started a "No-Pedal" race where we coast and draft each other to
see who's willing to go the fastest without using their brakes. In one of the turns I went too fast, didn't brake enogh (or didn't brake correctly
enough) and highsided myself into the ditch. The guys said I looked like a crash test dummy flipping and rolling through the ditch. Luckily I
got up ok. Walked around a bit to catch my breath and continued down the road.

Unfortunately we totally missed the turn. We tried three or four other trails, but couldn't find our way. We decided to head completely down to
the bottom of the fire-road which took us out of the state forest and onto the roads. It was total Pennsyltucky - cars on blocks, appliances on
front porches and naked boys being hosed down in the back yard kind of Pennsyltucky.  It was hot. We were running out of water, food and
patience. Finally we found another forest road taking us back into the forest. It was the exact road we needed to be on.

Forty-two miles later we were back at the cars recovering with peanut butter sandwiches and beer. In the end we only missed two sections
of the race course.

Jamie said he was beat and bailed on us for Sunday. Ben, Chris and I got to State College around 10:30 Sat. night. We were camping at the
fire-tower on Tussey Mt., but so were a bunch of local kids. They were soooooo drunk - did you get the sarcasm? I could do a whole entry on
them alone, but I won't get into it here. This was breakfast for us Sunday morning. We set up camp next to the old fire observers cabin.

Sunday Martin and Jeff came up to ride with us. They're also doing the Wilderness 101 and wanted some good hard fire-road climbing. They
both road singlespeeds. Wes Schempf (or Wes the Conquerer as he's more affectionately known) came out to ride with us as well. His
parents live in the area, so he knows all the cool stuff to ride in them there mountains.

A few miles into the ride we came across the Tussesy Mt. ridge trail which caught fire about a month ago. When Chris, Mark and I rode this
a month ago, it was still smoking. That's Wes out front leading the way.

This is the typical view people get of Wes. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't his blazing speed that sparked the fire in the first place. 

Ben's fifteen seconds of fame.

Chris rolling his thirty-five pound Gemini at the back.


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