Henderson Wedding
June 3, 2006


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They had the wedding at a Bed & Breakfast (that I've since forgotten the name) on the south side of West Chester.  It was an old house on a beautiful wooded and landscaped lot. Here Lesley is escorted by her father through the front garden for the ceremony.

The ceremony was held on the side of the wrap-around porch overlooking the patio/garden we the guests were sitting in.  They really lucked
out with the weather. The entire day threatened to storm, but the skies actually cleared by the time of the ceremony.  

The happily wed couple.  She's from Canada and he's from Texas. What a pair! 

Before things got rowdy, Chris and Lesley had their first dance. The setting was really beautiful in this old house. The high ceilings and
intricate woodwork helped make this a special moment. Of course the jokes Lesley's father told during his speach made things pretty special

Not missing out on any of the fun, Lesley's parents took to the dance floor.

I think from here it all went downhill for us - we're looking classy and civilized enjoying the occasion. 

Then Mark started dancing a little. First with Sarah and Missy.

A little more with Sarah.

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