Canaan Valley 
Nov. 1994

After spending the summer of 94 in State College, PA working, going to school and Mt. Biking everywhere we could possibly get to, my housemate, Aaron, and I planned one final big trip for the fall when the rest of our housemates would be around to participate. At that time the Mt. Bike Mecca on the East Coast was Davis, WV and we were going to check it out. We'd load up the truck and head to Canaan Valley to camp and ride for a weekend. Unfortunately things got real busy for folks and only three of us could actually make the trip - Marshall, Aaron, and myself. Here's Jeff staying home for more time in the Landscape Architecture studio. Sucker!

We left Friday sometime and made the four hour trip to Canaan Valley to setup camp. Notice the two aluminum frame bikes with rigid forks? I think one of the forks was even aluminum. I at least had a steel frame and Manitou suspension fork.

It was a cold November night in the valley. We did what we could to entertain ourselves.

The deer were real friendly.

I mean real friendly. Aaron practically stepped on this one.

Trying to warm up around the fire contemplating the weekends rides.

This must have been Sunday morning as our bike shoes are all around the fire drying out. The riding was really fun. The trails were very rocky and boggy as you'll see. We did some riding on XC ski trails, which we weren't supposed to do, then hit some large loop that took us from Canaan Valley back over near Davis and Blackwater falls. 

Marshall enjoying the relaxing time away from school.

Here's an example of the boggines, but this is only a sample. The real bad stuff was deep, thick and full of roots. Your wheel would sink to the hub, then hit a root or something hard lurking in the muck sending your feet in too. 

Ah the rocks. I love riding rocks. This was on the trail to Lindy's Point overlooking the Blackwater canyon. 

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