Winter Cabin Trip
January 12 - 14, 07 
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My friend Bill has this little cabin up in the woods of north central Pennsylvania. In college we made many trips there to hang out, mt. bike and just getaway from school for a while. One of our favorite kind of trips was the winter trip. It's cold and wintery outside while the inside is toasty warm. Not much to do, but hike during the day and drink at night. It's perfect. In the past we've taken our Jeeps up (2000, 2001), but lately we just hang out (2004).

Of course this year it wasn't so wintery, but still nice to getaway. After a little diversion on our trip up (had to pick up this), we finally got there around midnight.

First task is to get some heat going.

Unfortunately it had been raining most of the day, so most of the wood outside was wet. Jeff sits at the kerosene heater trying to dry out
some kindling. 

With the heat finally working, we brought in our supplies and started setting up shop. 

Of course beer was necessary.

Then Jeff conked out.  

Bill, free from the responsibilities of being a dad, got down to entertaining himself cabin style. At Jen's suggestion, I brought up a Frederick's
of Hollywood catalog we had received in the mail.

In the morning it was breakfast time! 

After a good nights rest and fillig breakfast, Jeff was ready to entertain himself with the catalog. 

One reason a winter cabin trip isn't for everyone is the lack of water. Bill's dad shuts off the water late fall for the winter. If you have to use the
bathroom, you have to head down to the creek (behind the cabin) to get water. This year was particularly nasty getting up and down the
muddy bank with two five gallon buckets of water. 

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