July 24 - 26, 2009

At the lean to we quickly went about setting up for the night. Notice the bear canister to store all our food? Required in the High Peaks most of the year.

Mmmmm. Time for a little streamside dinner.

Day two. Loaded up and ready to go. It rained over night some, so everything was a little slick and damp.

The second day had a ridiculous amount of climbing and descending. Looking up at the dogs ahead of us was a common sight.

There were all kinds of cool slippery rock formations for us and the dogs to scramble over.

The dogs were downright nuts. They got very competitive on who and how each of them would get up and over the various obstacles. Mike's dog Badhu is very light and agile. She could skip and hop up most things with her lightness.

Because Gretchen is bigger, she had to resort to momentum and brute strength to get up and over things.

But both were always successful and quite boastful at times.

Here's an action shot of Mike climbing one of the boulders.

You can see the second half was quite a stretch to get any ground you could stand on.

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