Springton Manor Farm
March 15, 2008

Jen had to work today, so it was just me and dogs on this mornings hike . Since it was our pre training class hike and we didn't have time for a half day adventure, we hit local Springton Manor Farm .

This hike is really nice for many reasons.

We start out heading through lowlands on our way to the Indian Run Creek. The trail is usually pretty wet and muddy, but the dogs love it. Since it's the beginning of the hike, this is where they have the most energy and run the hardest. They get pretty filthy to say the least. It's kind of odd, but the closer you get to the creek, the dryer the trail becomes. You cross a few tributaries leading to the creek, but otherwise the trail hardens up. In the past these little tributaries have really freaked out Gretchen. She'd whine and cry if we didn't help or wait for her to cross the little trickles. I was beginning to wonder if she'd hate water like CJ does. Today was different.

She's been going into creeks to drink like you see here, but that's usually about it. CJ does the same, so I never thought much of it.

Today, while she was still wound up, she started running back and forth and around the bank. 

Before I knew it, she took off across the creek. As you can see, this is way beyond a trickle.

She ran clear to the other side, around the trees and back over to me.It was really kind of exciting. 

In general she's been showing more initiative with things. She doesn't seem to be anywhere near afraid of things as she has been. Maybe this is a turning point?

Though heights still kind of bother her. CJ had no problem coming out onto this log with me over the creek. Once she saw us both out there, Gretchen came too, but she ran back to fast to get a decent photo. 

After the muck and mire, we head to the top of the park. It's a decent climb and usually has the dogs pretty well behaved by the time we get to the top. At the top is this old road called the Bartol Trail.


Between the Bartol trail and the creek, I'm not sure which is my favorite. The creek is exciting, while the Bartol trail is peacful and quite. You're above everything else. The forest is more mature then the rest of the park. It's a really nice place for a stroll.

By this time the dogs have also dried out and cleaned up a bit, so they're not all wet and swampy smelling.

Near the end of the trail, Gretchen got all excited and took off to the side of the trail. I really wasn't sure what was going on, till a turkey took flight out of its hiding place in a fallen tree. The bird was really quite large. Gretchen trotted back to the trail rather proud of herself.

At the end of the Bartol trail, we turn back towards the center of the park and where the car is parked. The park is an active farm, and they do have some fields. Down in the trees across all those fields is where the creek is. 

Walking across the fields the dogs found a gopher hole. CJ had to check it out.

And that was about it. Just another successful hike with the mutts.

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