Sunday, February 28, 2010

Abigail's Birth Story

My Mom's all about birth stories, though after 36 years all I know about mine was it was a Friday and storming.

Before it's completely lost in sleep deprivation forgetfulness, I better get Abigail's down on record.

To give things the most accurate time line, it all started 12:00am Feb. 3rd. That's midnight on Tuesday for those of us that think of midnight as the end of the day.

At this point false labor started for Jen. The contractions weren't consistent by any means, but were enough to keep her from sleeping well. By the morning when I got up, they'd subsided and remained that way for most of the day. Due to the lack of sleep, some new snow, and general feelings of being over-pregnant, Jen decided to work from home that day.

Skip ahead to Wednesday night. I went for a ride with Sean (his dog Yoshi), Rick and Rob at the Dtown trails. With some fresh snow, it was an awesome ride. Sean and I were ripping up the trails pretty well. The dogs had a blast keeping up, while Rick and Rob were glad not to be pummeled by the normal Wednesday night group.

After the ride we were off to the bar to get a bite to eat when I got a text message while waiting to be seated.

"Come home. I think it's starting." It read.

I showed the text to Rob, then ran out the door.

Time now is 8:30pm Wednesday night Feb. 3rd.

She had started her iPhone contraction tracker log around 8pm. Here's what we had so far.

Date/Time Duration Frequency
2/3/10 7:59 PM 00:26.0
8:04 PM 00:29.6 04:38.7
8:08 PM 00:24.7 04:32.3
8:19 PM 00:37.8 10:06.5
8:25 PM 00:19.6 06:25.8
8:28 PM 00:23.1 03:01.4
8:31 PM 00:23.9 03:09.3
8:35 PM 00:52.8 03:38.4
8:42 PM 02:18.0 06:42.1
8:45 PM 00:29.3 03:37.5
8:52 PM 00:38.3 06:21.5
8:54 PM 00:29.7 02:54.8
8:57 PM 00:31.1 02:36.6
8:59 PM 00:37.3 02:19.8
9:02 PM 00:23.9 02:38.3
9:04 PM 00:33.8 02:18.0
9:06 PM 00:29.1 01:59.7
Avg 00:36.9 04:11.3

The scene at home was a little chaotic. Jen was running around trying to get things ready, take a bath, and eat some food all the while having contractions. She hadn't gotten very far with any of it and had actually dropped her glass of water into the tub.

First thing to do was clean up the broken glass from under the water in the tub - not an easy task. After that, while she took a bath, I cooked her up some perogies and myself some frozen pizzas. Then I took a shower and we continued packing things.

Date/Time Duration Frequency
11:43 PM 00:38.3
11:50 PM 00:09.6 07:16.0
11:56 PM 00:45.5 05:44.7
2/4/10 12:02 AM 00:25.9 06:23.5
12:08 AM 00:16.4 05:36.2
12:14 AM 00:45.6 06:47.6
Avg 00:30.2 06:21.6

Beyond the time in the bath I'm not sure why the lapse in contraction logging was so long. You can see when we were tracking again things slowed down a little, so we went to bed shortly after midnight Feb. 4th.

3am. We were up again with more contractions, so we decided to try and watch a movie ("Knocked Up" of all movies). That lasted 15 minutes before Jen's contractions were distracting her from the movie.

Back upstairs we tried some contraction coping techniques, like laying on an exercise ball.

Again, there was a lag in starting the contraction log, but you can see the average contraction duration has nearly doubled.

Date/Time Duration Frequency
6:04 AM 00:57.6
6:09 AM 00:41.0 04:18.1
6:13 AM 00:49.9 04:40.3
6:20 AM 01:10.2 06:18.6
6:24 AM 00:46.6 00:01.2
6:30 AM 01:09.7 05:25.2
6:39 AM 01:24.8 09:56.1
6:48 AM 00:53.5 08:27.5
6:55 AM 00:52.2 06:42.9
7:08 AM 01:03.6 12:57.1
7:12 AM 00:30.0 04:22.3
7:16 AM 01:16.4 04:30.2
7:22 AM 01:05.0 05:51.9
7:28 AM 00:36.5 05:29.0
7:36 AM 00:02.3 08:10.8
7:38 AM 00:24.1 02:07.0
7:41 AM 00:42.3 02:52.6
7:46 AM 00:48.1 05:20.0
7:50 AM 00:41.0 03:35.3
7:54 AM 01:32.8 03:36.1
8:00 AM 01:00.4 06:08.6
8:06 AM 00:55.3 06:27.3
8:17 AM 00:24.2 10:41.7
Avg 00:51.6 05:49.1

I remember at some point we were back in bed around 7am thinking we'd be at the Birth Center before lunch to "get down to business."

Then this happened.

Date/Time Duration Frequency
8:32 AM 00:06.4
8:38 AM 01:14.1 05:44.3
8:42 AM 00:37.1 04:05.6
8:48 AM 00:53.6 05:50.1
8:55 AM 00:47.5 07:12.9
9:00 AM 00:20.3 04:39.6
9:11 AM 00:42.0 11:18.0
9:17 AM 00:45.2 06:20.8
9:27 AM 00:23.1 09:51.1
Avg 00:38.8 06:52.8

The average contraction duration fell back and the frequency got farther apart.


Jen called the Birth Center and explained the situation. We were now a little over twelve hours and the contractions seemed to be going backwards not progressing. The mid-wife considered it all false labor and said some good rest would be best. She prescribed some Ambien, which I went and got, in hopes that Jen could get a few hours sleep, then we'd see where things were.

She started the Ambien at 10am and this is how things went.

Date/Time Duration Frequency
10:21 AM 00:45.9
10:26 AM 00:21.2 05:01.3
10:33 AM 00:42.4 06:57.8
10:40 AM 00:40.7 07:01.3
10:48 AM 00:38.4 07:42.9
10:53 AM 00:18.2 05:06.9
10:59 AM 01:11.8 06:33.0
11:06 AM 00:49.7 06:49.4
11:13 AM 01:06.2 06:39.2
11:18 AM 00:42.6 05:27.8
11:28 AM 00:59.4 09:12.0
11:44 AM 00:55.0 16:44.6
11:52 AM 00:56.3 07:52.4
11:59 AM 00:44.0 06:19.5
12:10 PM 06:06.5 11:20.0
12:22 PM 01:26.3 12:25.8
12:28 PM 01:02.7 05:31.4
12:32 PM 00:46.6 04:01.6
12:33 PM 00:47.5 01:07.2
12:53 PM 00:30.9 20:03.0
12:54 PM 00:03.2 00:46.7
Avg 01:01.7 07:38.2

First and foremost, she didn't sleep. You can see the duration of the contractions went up, which is good, but the frequency got longer which is bad.

So we called the Birth Center again. They said come in and they'll "take a look."

To be continued...

- b

Friday, February 26, 2010

Mother Weather

Thursday night another storm rolled in. Snow and winds averaging 35mph with gusts near 50mph. We lost power twice.

What to do on a night like that?

Go XC skiing of course.

From the parking lot the wind howling through the trees sounded like a war.

As scary as it sounded, the woods was our destination and haven.

Exposed in the open, the blowing snow soaked and stung you quickly. The trees offered protection.

Though the conditions for skiing weren't so great (unless you were last in our group of seven), the night was beautiful and well worth the adventure.

- b

Can't Decide

We've been taking a bazillion pictures with the new camera.

It becomes very difficult deciding which ones to keep, post, print etc.

My technical solution is to create little filmstrips for the groups of pictures I like.

Here's the beginning of what I'm sure will be more.

Abigail Filmstrips

- b

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Jen got one of those Moby Wrap thingy's and today we tried it out.

It worked great for her. She was able to make and eat breakfast while Abigail was wrapped tight against her chest.

Didn't work so well for me.

Not by any fault of mine or the wrap, but mostly because I'm still not mommy.

- b

Compu Trained

I gotta friend that owns a bike shop.

As the link points out he recently bought a second shop.

The new shop has an 8 bike CompuTrainer setup.

Besides hot, sweaty and painful what's an 8 bike CompuTrainer setup?


It's sort of like a Spin class, but a little more sophisticated. We actually use our own bikes attached to stationary trainers and all kinds of electronics. The electronics do things like measure heart rate, rpm, wattage, speed, etc. The electronics also make it harder by applying more resistance to your wheel.

Apply resistance and make it harder?

Everything is linked to a computer and displayed on a screen, so it's a virtual race.

Yeah. A race.

If you look close at the top of screen you'll see the brown that resembles a landscape profile. That's exactly what it is. When the brown goes up, that's a hill and the resistance gets harder (theoretically, it didn't seem to work like that for all of us).

Pretty neat huh?

Uh-huh. Try it. The novelty wears off as fast as you realize you're getting dropped or busting your ass to stay out front of a bunch of guys that aren't actually going anywhere.

At least we had libations to dull the pain.

And a rabbit to chase.

Now if I could only figure out how to draft in this setup.

- b

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Newborn Milestone

Abigail gained enough weight the first two weeks to go to feedings on demand at night and feedings no more then three hours apart during the day.

Hopefully this translates to more sleep for Jen.

- b

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Today's Abigail & Vera Shots

Took 105 photos today. These are the 4 that were any good.

- b

Goes Without Saying

Meals no longer get finished in one sitting.

- b

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Humdingers

The hospital photographer snapped this shot.

Being in the age of digital, I guess we should have reviewed and definitely deleted this one before it made it to print.

- b

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Milk Box Hero

Jen fed Abigail an average of 15 minutes each hour from midnight on last night.

That's nuts.

That fills a baby's tummy, but leaves a Mommy empty on energy.

They're sleeping now.

Hopefully the sleeping trend continues for a while.

ps. I've got Foreigner's "Juke Box Hero" looping in my head when I think about this. As you can tell I tried incorporating it into the title, but it's not quite the fit I wanted.

- b

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hey Abigail, Daddy's Home!

Do you want to spend some time with Daddy? He's had a hard day at work.

But Abigail, Daddy really wants to spend some time with you. He misses you and wants to know all about your day with Mommy.



Daddy will just spend his time with Sly Fox Phoenix Pale Ale.

- b

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

First Bath

Today Abigail had her first bath.

and decided she preferred to be held my mommy over daddy.

That's alright kid. I'll remember that when want your first curfew extension.

- b

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pictures of Jen

Got a request for pictures of Jen and the baby.

Since I'm not going around shirtless, most of the pictures have mostly been me.

The cat's not so sure.

Like fireworks, the Grand Finale!
- b

Cooped Up

Jen's been inside for an entire week. She wants to see the snow, but I keep telling her it's not any prettier then what you can see from our windows.

The spectacle of watching dudes shovel snow off the roofs of department stores wears off pretty quickly.

Regardless, she wanted to see more, so I put together a little panoramic shot of our driveway.

She was so appreciative she took this shot of me while painstakingly piecing the pictures together.

Isn't she great?

- b

Gas Master

Nobody told me about The Invisible Killer of Calm.

Holy crap does gas make a fussy baby. When you're running on 4 hours sleep and the baby is screaming bloody murder for something you can't feel or touch, you'll think your whole world is coming apart.

The past few days have been nothing but Hapigail Vs. Abigassy.

It's taken a while, but I think I now have the pattern.

  1. After feeding, baby will remain awake or awaken. Not fussy, just awake.
  2. Wash hands.
  3. Watch for gas clues - such as weird straining of the neck, tightly squeezed eyes, or odd mouthings.
  4. Baby is now screaming at the top of their lungs and won't stop.
  5. Attempt to hold them vertically and maybe burp. Lately this has been useless.
  6. Do the gas dance with or without your finger in their mouth (comfort suck). Gas dance is cradling baby in your arms while bouncing on the balls of your feet and turning counter-clockwise. Should show results within 1 or 2 revolutions. If you typically have trouble chewing gum and walking at the same time, then I can only offer you prayers.
  7. Continue gas dance indefinitely - doesn't matter how Fn tired you are and try not to fall down chump. If baby continues to exhibit the gas clue behaviors continue the dance. If baby repeats step 3, continue to step 8.
  8. Walk laps around the house. Can probably be replaced with car ride, but who the hell wants to pack up a newborn at midnight and go for a drive - though it may come to this.

  9. video

  10. Continue counter-gas measures (steps 6, 7, and 8) until gas clue behaviors have subsided. This has so far averaged 45 minutes.
  11. When gas clue behaviors have ceased, yet screaming continues, you're in the home stretch. Gas will usually conclude with a really messy diaper. Hold tight, cause you're approaching the finish line.

  12. The Prize!

  13. Clean hiney, replace diaper, and re-swaddle.
  14. Wash hands. It may take a few minutes of the gas dance or some other variety to return to a calm baby. This may require more comfort sucking. When baby's eyes reach REM and/or comfort sucking ceases on your water-logged finger, baby is calm and gas attack has passed. Only if the eyes are closed can you relax. If eyes remain open, prepare for an immediate round 2.
  15. Get some rest, because another one's coming. Expect new or different gas clue behaviors and longer gas attack durations.

ps. remember to love baby like there's no tomorrow.

- b

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Two Sleep Shifts

Jen was really exhausted from yesterday, so I took two sleep shifts last night.

Normally Jen handles the feeding and sleeping at night, while I get to sleep.

Since Abigail was quite the food monger yesterday, there was more fussing then sleeping and little rest for Jen.

I've already forgotten the times at which the feedings occurred last night, but I do remember finally getting to bed myself at 3am.

It's not like I didn't sleep at all on my shifts. I actually had a nice little system that I used to insure both Abigail and I slept well together.

I'd lay on my back, then lay her on her back on my chest. I'd then lay my left hand (really just fingers) over her chest, just under her chin, and my right hand wrapped down around her butt. I was baby monitor, dad, vibration, and warmth all at once.

It's pretty tough competing with the services of mommy the milk machine, but I think I'm holding my own.

- b

Friday, February 12, 2010

Bring Home the Bacon

As much as I want to stay home another week from work, somebody's got to provide for this family.

- b

Belly Button

Besides Jen 's breasts leaking at the sound of Abigail's cry, we've hit another big milestone.

The umbilical cord (what was left of it) fell off.

I'll get a picture when it's all healed. Doc. says she'll have a nice little inny.

- b

Bamboo Tunnel

This is what I had to plow through the other night.

And the neighbors cleared the tenants driveway again.

I was so grateful I actually knocked on doors and personally thanked them.

- b

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Appropriate Clothes

I got to dress Abigail this morning and decided today she'd look like a boy.

Not really. I did dress her. She did look like a boy, but that wasn't my intention.

I picked an appropriate blizzard outfit with the penguin sleeper, but it was all very blue.

Oh well didn't matter anyway. This was only one of three different outfits she wore today.

Remember that whole "SHE'S NOT PEEING!" bit?

She's peeing just fine now.
Conveniently peeing all over herself and us when we change her diaper.

Cleaning her is no big deal, but the clothes get tossed to the hamper and a new outfit goes on.

I think the froggy sleeper was number two.

Lucky for us, she hasn't figured out how to pee on her hats yet. We only have a limited number of those.

- b

Snow Storm Part II - Second Installment

Headed out around 5pm to plow the driveway again. We had gotten around 5 and 1/2 inches since I plowed this morning.

This time the wind was blowing, it was dark and a little colder.

There was less snow, but took three hours to clear. I guess it was heavier. The fact there was no where to push it didn't help either. I swear I went the entire length of the driveway pushing a little to the side on each side (imagine tiny diagonals to each side of the driveway instead of long steady passes down each side).

At one point I had a mechanical. I Had to get a light and a cotter pin to get the plow to lift again. Laying in the cold wet snow under the tractor isn't exactly fun.

The bamboo provided an interesting obstacle/aid. The weight of the snow had it laying across about 40' of the driveway. Cool! That's 40' I don't need to plow, but that's also 40' of bamboo I had to drive the tractor through.

The first time was a little un-nerving. I couldn't see anything and had no idea how long it was. The thought crossed my mind I could suffocate in there from the tractor fumes, but I pulled through and went about my way.

I imagine there will be a third session tomorrow morning to clear away the few inches we get over night and all the drifting that might occur.

I also know we'll be getting a snow blower for next year. The plow is fun at times, but mostly too much work.

- b

Snow Storm Part II - First Installment

Opened the garage door this morning at 7:30 with Prodigy's "Firestarter" cranking in the iPod.

Took two hours to plow the 8 inches we got over night.

With all the snow we had already, it's a good thing I took some time yesterday to push back the piles that were already there. Even with that I still had to do a lot of "high plowing" (leaving the plow in the air, off the ground, pushing the higher parts of the piles back) this morning to make room for the heavy wet eight.

Gretchen had a blast. I'd periodically stop to throw snowballs for her.

The snow is a great work-out for her. She has to jump to get anywhere. Chasing snowballs goes, jump, jump, jump, then root. Throw another and it's jump, jump, jump, root all over again.

I've also been stockpiling water.

With forecasts of 40mph winds, our power is likely to go out; therefor, losing our well. In order to keep Jen's milk machine going, we're going to need water. The rest of us (Jen's Mom and I)
can drink beer to survive if we have to.

- b

Real Parents

I thought when we got the big camera, we'd be more like real parents, but

I think it's the fact we've both been to the bathroom with Abigail on our laps that truly makes us real.

- b

Abigail's First Tuesday

If you haven't figured it out yourself already, you might want to skip this blog for a month or so if you're not interested in newborns, because I myself am a huge fan of mine.

Just some random shots from yesterday.

Our baby burrito

Gretchen's doing very well with Abigail

Ducky Feet

Go Go Booties

Asleep on Daddy's Chest - like there's anywhere better?

Hmmm. Maybe Mommy's where you can eat and sleep

And another video

- b

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Good Neighbors

We got home from the hospital Friday night around 6:30 pm.

Around 8:30 Jen's Mom and I got out to feed her cats. We got back around 9pm and there was already 4" of snow on the driveway.

I decided to quickly plow it in hopes of making it easier for the next day.

Fast forward to Saturday afternoon. We have around 15" of snow.

I fire up the plow.

Plow level shot looking out of the garage where the snow drifted against the door.

It was slow going, but I was making progress.

Then I wasn't.

The tractor slid off the side of my driveway and flatted one of the front tires.

I tried airing it up, but I could hear and feel the air rushing out the from the front of the tire somewhere.

Hmmm. My baby girl hadn't been home 24 hrs and I couldn't get out if I needed to.

About this time my neighbor Dino (house sort of next/front of mine) was finishing up his driveway with a snow blower. I went over and told him and his wife the good news about our family addition and asked if I could use the snow blower.

He said it wasn't actually his. That it belonged to our neighbor Jack across the street (old guy with his own "by appointment only" barber shop in his house), but it would probably be ok. Dino then started to do a few passes down my driveway.

I insisted that I do it. There was no reason for Dino to clear my driveway while I was perfectly capable. After two passes it was suddenly clear as to why Dino was doing it.

Jack was standing at the end of my driveway waiting for Dino to make his way back up there. I ran up to formally ask Jack, but never got the chance. Jack was in the middle of some overly insulting spiel about me being a stuck-up - rich, blah, blah, blah, bad neighbor, and that I couldn't borrow the snow blower unless I promised to be a better neighbor.

Keep in mind this asshole never came over to greet us when we moved in four years ago. We never got the plate of brownies or welcoming committee. I guess the miserable coward had the audacity to expect we go around and introduce ourselves to everybody back then.

I couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth. I was stunned. I was blown away. Dino tried defending me and making a case for clearing the driveway, but I was done. I wasn't going to borrow that asshole's anything if my life depended on it. I'd ski out with my baby on my back if I had to.

I told him no. I didn't want any of it. I thanked Dino and walked away.

Later that evening and night I shoveled the rest of the driveway myself. Jen and the baby were fine with her mother in the house.

When it was all clear, Jen's mother and I headed back to her house to take care of the cats.

Rolling up to the driveway we saw an amazing thing. Jen's mother's neighbors had shoveled a three foot path down her driveway and sidewalk while we were away. It turns out the girls of the street (3, 10yr olds I guess) had shoveled what they could as a gesture to meet their new neighbor. They came running to say Hi when we got out of the car.

That's what good neighbors do. That's what good people do.

At least now I know in what neighborhood Abigail will make friends that are worth anything.

- b

Monday, February 8, 2010

Proud Parents

So we have this whole pee and poop watch going.

Since 9pm last night:

Pee 2

Poop 0

We were getting ready to feed her around 9pm tonight - going through the naked wake-up protocol (get her naked and play with her so she's awake and hungry - trying to feed a sleepy un-hungry baby sucks).

So we're playing, tickling kissing and talking to her. Meanwhile she's stinking up a storm.

Jen goes to feed her, but Abby won't. She actually starts to fuss. She rarely fusses at the breast. She might not take it, but she rarely fusses.

I offer to check her diaper. I peak in around the leg and see something dark.

Bingo! We got poop!

I take her to the changing table and peel back the diaper. Both of us are standing their in awe as copious poo pours out of her little hiney. It reminded me of the stuff pouring out of the guys face in "House of a Thousand Corpses". Just as I'm realizing how bad a comparison that is with my beautiful little daughters natural biology, Jen points out that Abby's peeing as we watch.


Pee 3

Poop 1 (though really, it looked like 3 all at once)

Suddenly the pee goes from dribble to geyser and I've got it all over me - on my arms and down my shirt.

We're so proud.

Maybe now that the Super Bowl is over and before the Final Four kicks off, we could offer some action on Abby's pee and poop stats?

$20 to get in.

The house takes 30%.

Abby's gotta go to college.

- b

False Alarm

Had our first emergency room visit last night.

There were a whole bunch of things that led up to it, but ultimately I think it was just first timers nervousness and inexperience.

I swear we walked in their with "Newbie" stamped across our foreheads.

At the same time, I think there needs to be way more information and professional help when it comes to breastfeeding.

Everything in the medical profession seems to have some measurable quantifier - except breastfeeding. Doctors and parents have no way of measuring how much you're producing, how much your kid is consuming, when or how often. You're supposed to chart it yourself, but as any new parent knows, things get cloudy in the middle of the night.

You can quantify how long a session lasted or how many you've had, but you don't know how much the baby's had.

You have to discern the difference between consumption sucking and comfort sucking.

You also have to wake the kid and essentially force feed them.

Since leaving the hospital the major concern has been her number of "wets" (i.e. how many times she's peed). The first day home she was a pooping machine, so we couldn't really tell if she'd peed.

I figured whatever. Everyone pees.

The second day the poops stopped. Everything seemed to stop. We were putting tissues in the front of her diaper to catch any wetness, but we weren't seeing anything.

It turns out, we also missed a couple of feedings. Unbeknownst to me the baby has to hit the breast every two hours the first week to stimulate milk production. I mistakenly thought you fed the baby when they're hungry, so I let Jen sleep a little longer then she should have a couple of times (My post from the other morning depicts this).

So here where things snowball. Remember we're all running on a severe lack of sleep.

The home-visit nurse expressed concern about the lack of "wets". Checked her mucous glands in her mouth to make sure she was hydrated, but said we should give Abby an ounce of sterile water if we don't get a wet in the next two hours. If she still didn't pee, we should call our pediatrician.

Two hours or more (definitely more) went by and we didn't get any wets. We gave her the water, which she drank but we felt horrible for doing. Water provides 0 nutritional value to a newborn. We just filled her belly with nothing and she looked like it.

A little while later it was time to feed - still no wets. While feeding Jen took her temperature from under her arm and it was 100°F.

We called the pediatrician and they said take her to the hospital.

Me demonstrating perfectly bad burping posture.

By the time we got into the examining room (which goes real fast when you have a newborn), she had peed, pooped and her temperature was down.

The ER Dr. was like "You guys are new at this aren't you?", so we packed it up and headed home.

Much like the home-visit nurse, she left us with instructions to have a wet by 4am or 6am.

Sure Doc. No problem.

4am goes by - nothing.

6am goes by - nothing.

8am, 10am - nothing.

Meanwhile I run out to buy a breast pump. The emergency room Dr. suggested pumping to supplement the milk stimulation. Also you can measure pumped breast consumption better then baby to breast.consumption - confuse the hell out of the infants suck habits, but measurable consumption which makes Doctors happiest.

Finally around 11:30 we got a wet.

Diapers come with yellow lines that turn blue with a wet. We didn't learn this until yesterday. We didn't learn to accurately read the blue line until today. Seems simple doesn't it? Stay awake and hungry for 4 days, then try it.

We had our first appointment with the pediatrician at 1:15. At the appointment we actually got two more wets and Jen squeezing milk out of her breasts with her own hands (sorry. no pictures of that. It's really not as hot as it sounds anyway.).

Our pediatrician was totally cool. She said it was good to go to the emergency room for the temperature, but all the other stuff was a bit on the hysterical side. She kept reminding us our baby is only three days old and doesn't pee that much anyway. She completely threw the numbers and measurements out the window. She scientifically admitted not all babies are the same. Abby is perfectly healthy and the milk is coming in fine.

Back at home Abby had a good afternoon feeding. How can you tell it's a good feeding?

She gets drunk on milk and passes out to the world around her.

Drunk like her Dad after a few Hop Wallops.

ps. for those with babies on the way (i.e. Jeff & Sara), I highly recommend "The Breastfeeding Book" from the Sears Library. Granted it's not quite as detailed as I'd like (It would have to read, "When Abigail does this" to be that detailed.), but it's an awesome resource anyway.

- b

From Bryn Mawr with Love


- b

Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's Official

She's definitely my kid.

She eats more then sleeps.

She's been permanently attached to her mother since midnight last night.

I feed her mother, her mother feeds her, and I lose weight! So far it's a pretty good system.

- b

Saturday, February 6, 2010

2am to 5:30am Shift

Don't know why I thought I'd get some sleep last night.

Abigail wouldn't sleep unless she was held, so I held her from 2am till 5:30am when she woke up hungry (I can't do that job).

Looks like I've got another shift coming. This time I think I'll turn to technology and use some calming vibrations (or at least I'll try).

Daddy's gotta sleep too.

- bob

Friday, February 5, 2010

Abigail Rose

There's so much to say and so much done in the last 36+ hours (like plowing the driveway once so far).

Thanks to all the well wishes and those following along. It was/is quite the adventure.

Abigail Rose was born February 5th, 2010 at 1:16am.

She weighed 7.1lbs and was 20 3/4 inches.

She's precious.

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Yay! We're all going home.

Baby Girl

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I'm going home to sleep. It seems like the right thing to do
I hate the nursery. That's not what we signed up for
Learning to breastfeed
It's a girl. 7.1 lbs

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Everybody has been great. Need to remember to thank them.
She's at 9cm. We're going to sleep a little bit then try to deliver a baby.
We're at the complete opposite end ofthe spectrum now
So many machines
Going to the hospital to get some petocin
Inserted IV for fluids
We're so tired
Water broke
Watching the minutes tick by in intervals of 4
In the jacuzzi now
Good news! She's 5 to 6 cm but her labor is bad, which simply means it's inconsistent

We're Going In

Ambian didn't work.

I managed a little sleep, but Jen did not.

We're headed to the birth center for better care.

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Taking a Break

What progress we thought we were making has stopped.

The midwife is calling in a prescription of ambian to let Jen sleep a few hours.

Maybe things will get more consistent then.

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Some Progress

We managed about 3 hours sleep.

Since 3am, the contractions have been getting longer and closer together.

They're up to about a minute in length at 6 minute intervals. We're using an iPhone app called Labor Mate to do the tracking.

When they hit 4 minute intervals for an hours time, we'll head to the Birth Center to deliver.

On 3 hours sleep you can almost fall asleep again in the 6 minute breaks, then you're woken up again for another contraction.

I'm sure anyone who's done this knows what I'm talking about.

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Up and at it again.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mabye Not

Seems the contractions subside when she lays down and relaxes.

Maybe we'll try and get some sleep.

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We're in early labor.

False Labor

Jen's been experiencing contractions all night.

Nothing consistent, but definitely contractions.

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