Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mall Walker

Jen needed some bras (something about accommodating the new real-state). She tried buying over the internet, but apparently that doesn't "fit" so well.

Off to the mall we all went.

Jen went into the fitting rooms, while Abigail and I went into a holding pattern around the store.


After thirty minutes of circles through the Jr. Miss, Jewelry and Intimates departments, we ventured out into the mall itself. The main thoroughfare was risky (bumpy floor, sunlight and more people - couldn't risk waking Abigail while the food source was off working out containerization).

In the end it was all a success. I kept Abigail asleep and Jen found comfort. As monotonousness as it was, it was good to get out and mix up the routine.

ps. ever try breast milk? ever try spoiled breast milk? Don't!

- b


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