Monday, April 5, 2010

Battery Acid Hurts

So I'm pulling the battery out of the motorcycle to charge it when I realize it's a little sticky around the top.

"Hmmm. That's funny. Ow! Shit! Damn!" as I run over to the workbench to sit the battery down.

Just about the time I realized it was sticky it started to burn my one finger.

Just one finger?

I have an open cut on that finger. The sticky acid wasn't enough to burn through intact skin, but against the open wound it hurt like hell.

And it continued to hurt like hell after sitting the battery down and rubbing my finger against my jeans.

Now the man dilemma.

Do I run inside and pour baking soda (where is the baking soda? do we even have any?) on my finger to fix it or wait it out? In all likelihood it will quit by the time I find the baking soda anyway.


Damn! It still burns. This sucks.

Looking at my finger I see it's not changing colors or hanging by any blistering threads.


Whatever. It quits. I plug the charger in and go about other chores.

- b


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