Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Week of Abigail

Between huge changes at work and huge changes at home, it's difficult to keep the posts up to date.

Not to mention Abigail's getting over a bad case of baby acne, so she wasn't feeling very photogenic.

So now we know there are two things
(besides feeding) Abigail likes best - motion and body heat.

The swing is cool,

but only for so long. Then it gets cold.

The preferred type of motion is bouncing on the exercise ball. Somebody like Dad holds her in his arms, sits on the ball and bounces - for hours. Calms her right down and eventually puts her to sleep after you've been bouncing - for hours. It's the new "gas dance". Calms everything but hunger. Only problem is it hurt like hell on the back the first few days, so we tried the Bjorn.

This way baby gets to bounce, Dad saves his back and everyone's happy, right? Worked for about five minutes, then baby decided she wasn't close enough to Dad. Luckily continual bouncing has strengthened Dad's back, so it's not really an issue.

Cute picture while suiting up with the Bjorn.

Jen managed to get outside with Abigail again. This time she wrapped her up in the Moby wrap and went for a walk around the park. This time the adventure was much more successful.

I thought this shot was cute too.

And last by not least a sleepy shot while held by her grandmother.

In addition to the photos, there were some nice milestones this week as well. So far she's taken two bottles. That's good news for when Jen heads back to work. Abigail has also started to make noises beyond crying. Every once and a while she and I manage a little "Ah, ahhh, eh, ah" conversation.

Exciting stuff, huh?

- b


Blogger Dad said...

Hi Bob,
It is exciting stuff and we are enjoying it. GREAT job keep it going.
Lots of love,
Kate & Al

March 15, 2010 10:35:00 PM EDT  

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