Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ups & Downs

Tuesday started with the continuation of a car issue that lasted the week.

Finally got it figured out (the boys at Good Year are geniuses(I hope.)). Turns out a corroded connector through the firewall was shorting the system.

Wednesday night was St. Patty's, so me and boys rode out to the ruins and had ourselves a fire.

I brought along some celebratory beverage and smokes to mark the birth of miss Abigail.

Nothing like a $50 bottle of booze, $2 cigars and the smell of campfire to honor the blessing of ones child.

Speaking of blessings, check this out.

That's Jen holding Abigail's little hiny over the toilet. Jen makes some swishing sound and Abigail does her business. Crazy huh? We'd read some things on the internet and thought what the heck? I wouldn't go as far as to say we'll be hitching a ride on this bus, but it's fun to read the ads along the side.

Came home last night to find the refrigerator water line leaking (again).

Yay! Water stained ceiling tiles and pain in the ass compression fittings! My favorite!

At least until I got up today and discovered this.

That's two 2x4's and three concrete blocks fallen off the side of the pool and into the cover. Ice, wind, not sure what caused it, but it's got me really annoyed so far. Almost makes the water line to the fridge a long lost memory.

At least we had sushi for dinner.

It wasn't very good. Probably had more to do with my presentation then the actual food.

Then again after that Pliny the Elder I had this afternoon, how can I expect anything to taste as good.

- b


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