Monday, February 8, 2010

Proud Parents

So we have this whole pee and poop watch going.

Since 9pm last night:

Pee 2

Poop 0

We were getting ready to feed her around 9pm tonight - going through the naked wake-up protocol (get her naked and play with her so she's awake and hungry - trying to feed a sleepy un-hungry baby sucks).

So we're playing, tickling kissing and talking to her. Meanwhile she's stinking up a storm.

Jen goes to feed her, but Abby won't. She actually starts to fuss. She rarely fusses at the breast. She might not take it, but she rarely fusses.

I offer to check her diaper. I peak in around the leg and see something dark.

Bingo! We got poop!

I take her to the changing table and peel back the diaper. Both of us are standing their in awe as copious poo pours out of her little hiney. It reminded me of the stuff pouring out of the guys face in "House of a Thousand Corpses". Just as I'm realizing how bad a comparison that is with my beautiful little daughters natural biology, Jen points out that Abby's peeing as we watch.


Pee 3

Poop 1 (though really, it looked like 3 all at once)

Suddenly the pee goes from dribble to geyser and I've got it all over me - on my arms and down my shirt.

We're so proud.

Maybe now that the Super Bowl is over and before the Final Four kicks off, we could offer some action on Abby's pee and poop stats?

$20 to get in.

The house takes 30%.

Abby's gotta go to college.

- b


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