Friday, January 8, 2010

New Tactic

My hours at work are pretty flexible as long as I work a lot of them.

With that being the case, I decided the hell with trying to come home at 7pm and going for a ride with the dog by myself in the dark. Instead, I'll ride in the morning when the sun comes up.

Around here, this time of year, sunrise is 7:25am.

Fine. At 7am I'll go for a ride. I'll be rested. The sun will be shining and damn what time I get to work.

Yesterday was the trial run and it was awesome. The trails were frozen, the sun was shining, and all the varmints were out. Gretchen was running all over the place chasing anything that moved. She got herself worked up enough to lay in the creeks at 30° F.

As the days tick by, the sun will rise earlier and we can get longer rides. It's the perfect system.

At least until the baby comes, then who knows.

- b


Anonymous dd said...

It will ease in but your world will be turned upside down. Even the dogs will realize they have been bumped down a notch on the todem. Embrace the challenge and enjoy the last days of chaos free life.

January 8, 2010 10:03:00 AM EST  

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