Sunday, January 3, 2010

Beautiful Days

Vacation is nice!

I had decided in all our reorganizing/cleaning up I'd wait till the spring, when it was warmer, to get into our detached garage and start cleaning things up out there, but it was so nice Friday (bright sun with highs in the upper 30's) I threw open the doors and started early. There were all kinds of near empty boxes that needed a little going through. Put some stuff on shelves, throw other stuff out, or pack it away better - things really progressed as the garage started to look more like a workspace then a disaster area. All it needs now is a little insulation and a kerosene heater that works and it could be a year round workshop. Unfortunately that will have to wait till other priorities are cleared.

Saturday was just as nice. Though colder and windier, the sun was shining bright and the trails were (mostly) frozen solid. I did a quick little jaunt with Ben and Craig around the DTown trails. Luckily they went easy on me, so I didn't suffer too much.

Todays the last day. Time to get the house back together, maybe one more ride, and look forward to the next block of time off.

- b


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