Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Teeter/Totter & Dog

Did a little ride with Gretchen yesterday in the cold wind of Marsh Creek. At 10:00am it was still cold enough for the ground to be frozen solid.

It didn't take long to realize I over dressed. The wind tights and balaclava were a bit much. I never wear wind tights (they have a neoprene like material on the fronts covering your thighs, knees and shins) on mountain bike rides.

It took a while, but I finally regulated (unzipped a bunch of shit) and felt pretty comfortable. The weather never phased Gretchen. She was standing in and drinking from the creeks like it was spring.

Feeling better and even a bit spunky I decided to try the giant teeter/totter "they" built on the bonus loop side of Marsh Creek.

Though a little on the narrow side, it's a huge teeter/totter, which in my mind made it easier to ride. I circled around and started up. At the half-way point I felt the tell/tale teeter as my weight started to bring the end I was riding up down toward the ground. Three quarters of the way across/up, it stopped and sort of balanced. What the hell? I slowed a little, balanced and looked back over my shoulder.

Gretchen was standing on the other end!

She had followed me up the teeter/totter, but now was up in the air with me balancing. I knew if I pedaled a little further my weight would bring it down, but she she jumped off instead. Crash! Down to the ground I went and rode away.

Overall a decent ride. She came home and slept, which is good.

- b


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

January 5, 2010 8:48:00 PM EST  

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