Saturday, October 24, 2009


While I was going through our "storage room" last week, I found a few things.

Here's the original window sticker for my truck.

My truck is a 1988 GMC. You can get the rest of the details from the sticker. It was sold as new in Dallas, TX. My Dad bought it used in Newark, DE in 1991 with 40,000 miles on it at around $7k. He traded in our 1981 Honda Accord which he got $500 towards the truck (I had the mileage for the Honda, but forgot since shredding the docs). In the fall of 1993 he gave me the truck to take to school. It had 60 or 65K miles on it then.

It's now 2009. The truck is 21 years old, has 275k miles on it and still running pretty strong.

I also found a film negative, so I ran it through the scanner.

This was Jen playing a maid in her school's "The Sound of Music" production. She thinks it was sixth grade. Her mother made her costume.

Some other artifacts were things like these:

1981 Cecil Soccer Champs. I was 7.

The Klondike Derby was an annual Boy Scout event where we drug homemade dog sleds (we played the dogs) all over Camp Rodney in the middle of winter. There were various "stations or outposts" where skills like knot tying and first aid were tested. I don't remember all the categories in which you could win something, but it looks like we did ok that year. To win the best spirit award I remember having to roll into and out of the stations cheering and singing for ourselves. We also had to show extraordinary support for each other and team work. Dragging a sled through the cold and being tested on various things (at 14 years old) had a tendency to wear people down, so maintaining a positive spirit wasn't exactly easy.

I wonder what we'll find this week in the "storage room."

- b


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