Sunday, September 27, 2009

Rotting on the Vine

s hedge apple season again. That's the time of year when our Osage Orange trees drop their fruit.

This year is a little different. The fruit is dropping already rotted.

Typically they have to lay on the ground a while (long while) before they get like this. The Osage Orange is known for its fortitude against rot and insects. My guess is all the moisture we had this season has taken its toll.

Overall it's kind of interesting watching the various changes and effects of the seasons play out in our yard. Last year our Oak trees didn't drop any acorns. The squirrels, which usually turn to the hedge apples in late February, went right for the hard green fruit in the late fall. This year we have all kinds of acorns - some days we even have short acorn showers, but the Osage Orange aren't so well.

Can't wait to see what happens next year.

- b


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