Sunday, June 14, 2009

Summer Chores

Summer's right around the corner.

Time to do get some stuff done.

While Jen power washed some of the auxiliary pool furniture, I finished up the fiasco that started back in March with the dimmable fluorescent recessed lights in our kitchen. Basically I got the $50 dimmer wired up.

Looks easy huh? Wasn't for me. The other two switches are 3-ways. Originally I had the dimmer wired into the one on the far right, but wasn't wired into the constant hot - I think. Instead I found the constant hot on the 3-way in the middle and everything worked fine - I guess.

I'm not an electrician.

I'm just glad the dimmer doesn't hum.

In addition to this, I trimmed some hedges, drained extra water off the pool, put some back, and installed the deck speakers.

Long weekend. Time for a shower and bed.

- b


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